(a) The sea carrier's module.
The Sea Carrier's Module is a component of the Automated Export System (AES) (see, part 192, subpart B, of this chapter) that allows for the filing of outbound vessel manifest information electronically (see, 15 CFR part 30 ). All sea carriers are eligible to apply for participation in the Sea Carrier's Module. Application and certification procedures for AES are found at 15 CFR 30.60. A sea carrier certified to use the module that adheres to the procedures set forth in this section and the Census Regulations ( 15 CFR part 30) concerning the electronic submission of an outbound vessel manifest information meets the outward cargo declaration filing requirements (CF 1302-A) of §§ 4.63 and 4.75, except as otherwise provided in §§ 4.75 and 4.84.
(b) Responsibilities.
The performance requirements and operational standards and procedures for electronic submission of outbound vessel manifest information are detailed in the AES Trade Interface Requirements handbook (available on the Customs internet web site (www.customs.gov )). Carriers and their agents are responsible for reporting accurate and timely information and for responding to all notifications concerning the status of their transmissions and the detention and release of freight in accordance with the procedures set forth in the AES Trade Interface Requirements handbook. Customs will send messages to participant carriers regarding the accuracy of their transmissions. AES participants are required to comply with the recordkeeping requirements contained at § 30.66 of the Census Regulations ( 15 CFR 30.66) and any other applicable recordkeeping requirements. Where paper SEDs have been submitted by exporters prior to departure, participant carriers will be responsible for submitting those SEDs to Customs within four (4) business days after the departure of the vessel from each port, unless a different time requirement is specified by §§ 4.75 or 4.84. Upon written agreement with participant sea carriers, Customs and Census can provide for an alternative to the location filing requirement for paper SEDs set forth in § 4.75(b) by which the participant carriers are otherwise bound.
(c) Messages required to be filed within the sea carrier's module.
Participant carriers will be responsible for transmitting and responding to the following messages:
(1) Booking.
Booking information identifies all the freight that is scheduled for export. Booking information will be transmitted to Customs via AES for each shipment as far in advance of departure as practical, but no later than seventy-two hours prior to departure for all information available at that time. Bookings received within seventy-two hours of departure will be transmitted to Customs via AES as received;
(2) Receipt of booking.
When the carrier receives the cargo or portion of the cargo that was booked, the carrier will inform Customs so that Customs can determine if an examination of the cargo is necessary. Customs will notify the carrier of shipments designated for examination. Customs will also notify the carrier when the shipment designated for inspection is released and may be loaded on the vessel;
(3) Departure.
No later than the first calendar day following the actual departure of the vessel, the carrier will notify Customs of the date and time of departure; and
(4) Manifest.
Within ten (10) calendar days after the departure of the vessel from each port, the carrier will submit the manifest information to Customs via AES for each booking loaded on the departed vessel. However, if the destination of the vessel is a foreign port listed in § 4.75(c), the carrier must transmit complete manifest information before vessel departure. Time requirements for transmission of complete manifest information for carriers destined to Puerto Rico and U.S. possessions are the same as the requirement for the submission of the complete manifest as found in § 4.84.
All penalties and liquidated damages that apply to the submission of paper manifests (see, applicable provisions in this part) apply to the electronic submission of outbound vessel manifest information through the Sea Carrier's Module.
Code of Federal Regulations
[T.D. 99-57, 64 FR 40986, July 28, 1999]