351.302—Extension of time limits; return of untimely filed or unsolicited material.
(a) Introduction.
This section sets forth the procedures for requesting an extension of a time limit. In addition, this section explains that certain untimely filed or unsolicited material will be returned to the submitter together with an explanation of the reasons for the return of such material.
(b) Extension of time limits.
Unless expressly precluded by statute, the Secretary may, for good cause, extend any time limit established by this part.
(c) Requests for extension of specific time limit.
Before the applicable time limit specified under § 351.301 expires, a party may request an extension pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. The request must be in writing and state the reasons for the request. An extension granted to a party must be approved in writing.
(d) Return of untimely filed or unsolicited material.
Unless the Secretary extends a time limit under paragraph (b) of this section, the Secretary will not consider or retain in the official record of the proceeding:
Untimely filed factual information, written argument, or other material that the Secretary returns to the submitter, except as provided under § 351.104(a)(2); or
Unsolicited questionnaire responses, except as provided under § 351.204(d)(2).
The Secretary will return such information, argument, or other material, or unsolicited questionnaire response with, to the extent practicable, written notice stating the reasons for return.