(a) Declaration to support free entry.
When effects claimed to be free of duty under subheadings 9804.00.10, 9804.00.20, 9804.00.25, 9804.00.35 or 9804.00.45, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) (19 U.S.C. 1202 ), do not accompany the importer on his arrival in the United States or are forwarded in bond, a declaration of the importer on Customs Form 3299 shall be required to support the claim for free entry. However, an oral declaration may be accepted in lieu of a written declaration on Customs Form 3299, for effects of a resident which are free of duty under subheadings 9804.00.10 or 9804.00.45. Effects of returning residents entitled to free entry under subheadings 9804.00.10 or 9804.00.45 (except automobiles and other vehicles of residents returning from countries other than Canada or Mexico) need not be itemized if a written declaration is required.
(b) Exemption from entry.
If the port director is satisfied that an entry would serve no good purpose, none need be required, but evidence of ownership for Customs purposes, such as a carrier's certificate or properly endorsed bill of lading, shall be required with the declaration. Such exemption from entry may also be applied with respect to household effects or tools of trade entitled to free entry (see §§ 148.52 and 148.53 respectively) which are unaccompanied or forwarded in bond.
Code of Federal Regulations
[T.D. 73-27, 38 FR 2449, Jan. 26, 1973, as amended by T.D. 89-1, 53 FR 51264, Dec. 21, 1988]