(a) Traveling general declaration and manifest.
When applying for examination and release from an airport or place of entry in the U.S., the aircraft commander or agent shall file a traveling general declaration and manifest. The traveling general declaration and manifest is one certified copy of the original inward general declaration, and each air cargo manifest required when the aircraft entered. This includes air waybills that were part of the manifest.
(b) Attachments to traveling general declaration and manifest—
(1) Crew purchase and stores list.
The crew purchase and stores list, if required when the aircraft enters under §§ 122.46 and 122.47, shall be attached to the traveling general declaration and manifest.
(2) Crew purchases not listed on a crew purchase list.
A crew member's declaration shall be attached to the traveling general declaration and manifest if:
Crew purchases are listed on a crew declaration, Customs Form 5129, instead of on the crew purchase list, under § 122.46(c)(2); and
The crew member has not left the aircraft with his or her purchase at the first entry port.
The crew member's declaration must be attached at the port where the articles listed on the declaration receive clearance.
(c) Abstract general declaration and manifest.
The abstract general declaration and manifest shall consist of one copy of the general declaration, and one copy of each manifest (including air waybills) covering residue cargo:
Not yet examined and released by Customs or any other Federal agency; and
To be discharged at another domestic or foreign airport.
An abstract general declaration and manifest need not be filed at the last domestic port of discharge.
(d) Permit to proceed.
A permit to proceed from one domestic airport to another shall be filed by the aircraft commander or agent with the Customs officer in charge at the clearance airport. The permit to proceed shall include a declaration by the aircraft commander or agent, which shall be signed on entry at the next domestic airport. The permit to proceed and declaration shall state substantially the following:
The permit to proceed and declaration must be stamped, mimeographed or printed on:
The abstract general declaration;
The traveling general declaration when an abstract general declaration is not required; or
A separate sheet of paper.
(e) Permit to proceed for nonscheduled aircraft.
For each permit to proceed issued to a nonscheduled aircraft carrying residue cargo the transit air cargo manifest procedures shall be followed. When the aircraft arrives at the final port, the aircraft commander shall deliver the permit to proceed to Customs.
(f) Use of form.
When all of the documents required by this section are in order, the permit to proceed shall be dated and signed by the Customs officer in charge at the clearance airport. One copy of the permit to proceed shall be delivered to the aircraft commander or agent with the other required documents, for filing at the next international airport.
Code of Federal Regulations
[T.D. 88-12, 53 FR 9292, Mar. 22, 1988; T.D. 00-22, 65 FR 16518, Mar. 29, 2000]