When a cash deposit is made in lieu of surety, it shall be refunded to the person in whose name the entry is made upon exportation in compliance with § 10.38.
If any article entered under Chapter 98, subchapter XIII, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, is not exported or destroyed within the period of time during which articles may remain in the Customs territory of the United States under bond (including any lawful extension), the port director shall notify the importer in writing that the entire cash deposit will be transferred to the regular account as liquidated damages unless a written application for relief from the payment of the full liquidated damages is filed with the port director within 60 days after the date of the notice. If such an application is timely filed, the transfer of the cash deposit to the regular account as liquidated damages shall be deferred pending the decision of the Headquarters, U.S. Customs Service or, in appropriate cases, the port director on the application.
Code of Federal Regulations
[28 FR 14663, Dec. 31, 1963, as amended by T.D. 84-213, 49 FR 41165, Oct. 19, 1984; T.D. 89-1, 53 FR 41249, Dec. 21, 1988]