Each application for a preliminary permit must include the following initial statement and numbered exhibits containing the information and documents specified:
Exhibit 1 must contain a description of the proposed project, specifying and including, to the extent possible:
The number, physical composition, dimensions, general configuration and, where applicable, age and condition, of any dams, spillways, penstocks, powerhouses, tailraces, or other structures, whether existing or proposed, that would be part of the project;
The estimated number, surface area, storage capacity, and normal maximum surface elevation (mean sea level) of any reservoirs, whether existing or proposed, that would be part of the project;
The estimated number, length, voltage, interconnections, and, where applicable, age and condition, of any primary transmission lines whether existing or proposed, that would be part of the project [see
16 U.S.C. 796(11) ];
The total estimated average annual energy production and installed capacity (provide only one energy and capacity value), the hydraulic head for estimating capacity and energy output, and the estimated number, rated capacity, and, where applicable, the age and condition, of any turbines and generators, whether existing or proposed, that would be part of the project works;
All lands of the United States that are enclosed within the proposed project boundary described under paragraph (e)(3) of this section, identified and tabulated on a separate sheet by legal subdivisions of a public land survey of the affected area, if available. If the project boundary includes lands of the United States, such lands must be identified on a completed land description form, provided by the Commission. The project location must identify any Federal reservation, Federal tracts, and townships of the public land surveys (or official protractions thereof if unsurveyed). A copy of the form must also be sent to the Bureau of Land Management state office where the project is located;
Any other information demonstrating in what manner the proposed project would develop, conserve, and utilize in the public interest the water resources of the region.
Exhibit 2 is a description of studies conducted or to be conducted with respect to the proposed project, including field studies. Exhibit 2 must supply the following information:
(1) General requirement.
For any proposed project, a study plan containing a description of:
Any studies, investigations, tests, or surveys that are proposed to be carried out, and any that have already taken place, for the purposes of determining the technical, economic, and financial feasibility of the proposed project, taking into consideration its environmental impacts, and of preparing an application for a license for the project; and
The approximate locations and nature of any new roads that would be built for the purpose of conducting the studies; and
(2) Work plan for new dam construction.
For any development within the project that would entail new dam construction, a work plan and schedule containing:
A description, including the approximate location, of any field study, test, or other activity that may alter or disturb lands or waters in the vicinity of the proposed project, including floodplains and wetlands; measures that would be taken to minimize any such disturbance; and measures that would be taken to restore the altered or disturbed areas; and
A proposed schedule (a chart or graph may be used), the total duration of which does not exceed the proposed term of the permit, showing the intervals at which the studies, investigations, tests, and surveys, identified under this paragraph are proposed to be completed.
For purposes of this paragraph, new dam construction means any dam construction the studies for which would require test pits, borings, or other foundation exploration in the field.
(3) Waiver.
The Commission may waive the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) pursuant to § 385.207 of this chapter, upon a showing by the applicant that the field studies, tests, and other activities to be conducted under the permit would not adversely affect cultural resources or endangered species and would cause only minor alterations or disturbances of lands and waters, and that any land altered or disturbed would be adequately restored.
Exhibit 2 must contain a statement of costs and financing, specifying and including, to the extent possible:
The estimated costs of carrying out or preparing the studies, investigations, tests, surveys, maps, plans or specifications identified under paragraph (c) of this section;
The expected sources and extent of financing available to the applicant to carry out or prepare the studies, investigations, tests, surveys, maps, plans, or specifications identified under paragraph (c) of this section; and
Exhibit 3 must include a map or series of maps, to be prepared on United States Geological Survey topographic quadrangle sheets or similar topographic maps of a State agency, if available. The maps need not conform to the precise specifications of § 4.39 (a) and (b). If the scale of any base map is not sufficient to show clearly and legibly all of the information required by this paragraph, the maps submitted must be enlarged to a scale that is adequate for that purpose. (If Exhibit 3 comprises a series of maps, it must also include an index sheet showing, by outline, the parts of the entire project covered by each map of the series.) The maps must show:
The location of the project as a whole with reference to the affected stream or other body of water and, if possible, to a nearby town or any permanent monuments or objects that can be noted on the maps and recognized in the field;
The relative locations and physical interrelationships of the principal project features identified under paragraph (b) of this section;
A proposed boundary for the project, enclosing:
All principal project features identified under paragraph (b) of this section, including but not limited to any dam, reservoir, water conveyance facilities, powerplant, transmission lines, and other appurtenances; if the project is located at an existing Federal dam, the Federal dam and impoundment must be shown, but may not be included within the project boundary;
Any non-Federal lands and any public lands or reservations of the United States [see
16 U.S.C. 796 (1) and (2)] necessary for the purposes of the project. To the extent that those public lands or reservations are covered by a public land survey, the project boundary must enclose each of and only the smallest legal subdivisions (quarter-quarter section, lots, or other subdivisions, identified on the map by subdivision) that may be occupied in whole or in part by the project.
Areas within or in the vicinity of the proposed project boundary which are included in or have been designated for study for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System; and
Areas within the project boundary that, under the provisions of the Wilderness Act, have been:
Designated as wilderness area;
Recommended for designation as wilderness area; or
Designated as wilderness study area.
Code of Federal Regulations
(Federal Power Act, as amended,
16 U.S.C. 792-828c
(1976); Department of Energy Organization Act,
42 U.S.C. 7101-735
2 (Supp. IV 1980); E.O. 12009, 3 CFR part 142 (1978)
5 U.S.C. 553
(Supp. IV 1980))
Code of Federal Regulations
[Order 54, 44 FR 61336, Oct. 25, 1979, as amended by Order 123, 46 FR 9029, Jan. 28, 1981; 46 FR 11811, Feb. 11, 1981; Order 225, 47 FR 19056, May 3, 1982; Order 413, 50 FR 11685, Mar. 25, 1985; Order 2002, 68 FR 51120, Aug. 25, 2003; Order 655, 70 FR 33828, June 10, 2005; Order 699, 72 FR 45324, Aug. 14, 2007]