4.300—Purpose, definitions, and applicability.
(a) Purpose.
This subpart implements the amendments of section 30 of the Federal Power Act enacted by section 7(c) of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 (ECPA). It establishes procedures for reimbursing fish and wildlife agencies for costs incurred in connection with applications for an exemption from licensing and applications for licenses seeking benefits under section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended, for a project that would impound or divert the water of a natural watercourse by means of a new dam or diversion.
(b) Definitions.
For the purposes of this subpart—
Cost means an expenditure made by a fish and wildlife agency:
On or after the effective date of this regulation for an application filed on or after the effective date of this regulation; and
Directly related to setting mandatory terms and conditions for a proposed project pursuant to section 30(c) of the Federal Power Act.
Cost statement means a statement of the total costs for which a fish and wildlife agency requests reimbursement including an itemized schedule of costs including, but not limited to, costs of fieldwork and testing, contract costs, travel costs, personnel costs, and administrative and overhead costs.
Mandatory terms and conditions means terms and conditions of a license or exemption that a fish and wildlife agency determines are appropriate to prevent loss of, or damage to, fish and wildlife resources pursuant to section 30(c) of the Federal Power Act.
New dam or diversion license applicant means an applicant for a license for a project that would impound or divert the water of a natural watercourse by means of a new dam or diversion, as defined in section 210(k) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended.
PURPA benefits means benefits under section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended.
Section 30(c) application means an application for an exemption from licensing or a new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits.
(c) Applicability.
Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, this subpart applies to:
Any application for exemption filed on or after the effective date of these regulations for costs incurred by fish and wildlife agencies after the effective date of these regulations;
Any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits filed on or after April 16, 1988;
Any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits filed after the effective date of this regulation, but before April 16, 1988, if the applicant fails to demonstrate in a monetary resources petition filed with the Commission pursuant to § 292.208 of this chapter that, before October 16, 1986, it had committed substantial monetary resources directly related to the development of the proposed project and to the diligent and timely completion of all requirements of the Commission for filing an acceptable application; and
Any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits filed after the effective date of this regulation, if the application is not accepted for filing before October 16, 1989.
(d) Exceptions.
This subpart does not apply to any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits if the moratorium described in section 8(e) of ECPA is in effect. The moratorium will end at the expiration of the first full session of Congress following the session during which the Commission reports to Congress on the results of the study required under section 8(d) of ECPA.
This subpart does not apply to any new dam or diversion license application seeking PURPA benefits for a project located at a Government dam, as defined in section 3(10) of the Federal Power Act, at which non-Federal hydroelectric development is permissible.