An application for amendment of a license for a water power project must contain the following information in the form specified.
(b) Required exhibits for capacity related amendments.
Any application to amend a license for a hydropower project that involves additional capacity not previously authorized, and that would increase the actual or proposed total installed capacity of the project, would result in an increase in the maximum hydraulic capacity of the project of 15 percent or more, and would result in an increase in the installed name-plate capacity of 2 megawatts or more, must contain the following exhibits, or revisions or additions to any exhibits on file, commensurate with the scope of the licensed project:
For amendment of a license for a water power project that, at the time the application is filed, is not constructed and is proposed to have a total installed generating capacity of more than 5 MW—Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, and G under § 4.41 of this chapter ;
For amendment of a license for a water power project that, at the time the application is filed, is not constructed and is proposed to have a total installed generating capacity of 1.5 MW or less—Exhibits E, F, and G under § 4.61 of this chapter ;
For amendment of a license for a water power project that, at the time the application is filed, is not constructed and is proposed to have a total installed generating capacity of 5 MW or less, but more than 1.5 MW—Exhibits F and G under § 4.61 of this chapter, and Exhibit E under § 4.41 of this chapter ;
For amendment of a license for a water power project that, at the time the application for amendment is filed, has been constructed, and is proposed to have a total installed generating capacity of 5 MW or less—Exhibit E, F and G under § 4.61 of this chapter ;
For amendment of a license for a water power project that, at the time the application is filed, has been constructed and is proposed to have a total installed generating capacity of more than 5 MW—Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, and G under § 4.51 of this chapter.
(c) Required exhibits for non-capacity related amendments.
Any application to amend a license for a water power project that would not be a capacity related amendment as described in paragraph (b) of this section must contain those exhibits that require revision in light of the nature of the proposed amendments.
(d) Consultation and waiver.
If an applicant for license under this subpart believes that any exhibit required under paragraph (b) of this section is inappropriate with respect to the particular amendment of license sought by the applicant, a petition for waiver of the requirement to submit such exhibit may be submitted to the Commission under § 385.207(c)(4) of this chapter, after consultation with the Commission's Division by Hydropower Licensing.
A licensee wishing to file an application for amendment of license under this section may seek advice from the Commission staff regarding which exhibits(s) must be submitted and whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the scope of the existing licensed project.
Code of Federal Regulations
[Order 184, 46 FR 55943, Nov. 13, 1981, as amended by Order 225, 47 FR 19056, May 3, 1982; 48 FR 4459, Feb. 1, 1983; 48 FR 16653, Apr. 19, 1983; Order 413, 50 FR 11689, Mar. 25, 1985; Order 533, 56 FR 23154, May 20, 1991]