For purposes of this subpart:
Contested order means the remedial order, interim remedial order for immediate compliance or order of disallowance being contested in proceeding pursuant to this subpart;
Interim remedial order for immediate compliance means an interim remedial order for immediate compliance issued pursuant to 10 CFR 205.199D (interim remedial order of immediate compliance);
Order of disallowance means an order of disallowance issued pursuant to 10 CFR 205.199E (disallowance);
Participant means, as appropriate, the Secretary, the petitioner, and intervenors;
Petitioner means a person who has received a remedial order, interim remedial order for immediate compliance, or order of disallowance who notifies the Secretary that he intends to contest the order;
Remedial order means a remedial order issued pursuant to 10 CFR 205.199B (remedial orders);
Secretary means the Secretary of Energy or his delegate.