An application filed pursuant to § 153.5(a) shall state whether DOE/FE authorization for the import/export of natural gas is required and whether DOE/FE has granted all required authorizations for the import/export of natural gas.
If all required DOE/FE authorizations have not been obtained prior to filing an application with the Commission, the applicant agrees, as a condition of its authorization, to file a statement that all required DOE/FE authorizations have been obtained prior to applicant's construction of border facilities.
When a prospective applicant for authorization for LNG terminal facilities, related jurisdictional natural gas facilities or modifications to existing LNG terminal facilities is required by § 157.21(a) to comply with that section's pre-filing procedures, no application for such authorization may be made before 180 days after the date of issuance of the notice by the Director of the Office of Energy Projects, as provided in § 157.21(e), of the commencement of the prospective applicant's pre-filing process under § 157.21.
Code of Federal Regulations
[Order 595, 62 FR 30446, June 4, 1997, as amended by Order 665, 70 FR 60440, Oct. 18, 2005]