1310.3—Assessment of administrative charge.
(a) Range of charges.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the responsible land manager shall assess a charge which he/she determines in his/her sole judgment to be approximately equal to the administrative costs incurred by TVA for each action including both the direct cost to TVA and applicable overheads. In determining the amount of such charge, the responsible land manager may establish a standard charge for each category of action rather than determining the actual administrative costs for each individual action. The standard charge shall be an amount approximately equal to TVA's actual average administrative costs for the category of action. Charges shall be not less than the minimum or greater than the maximum amount specified herein, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this section.
Land transfers—$500-$10,000.
Use permits or licenses-$50-$5,000.
Actions taken to approve plans for fills, structures, or other obstructions under section 26a of the TVA Act—$100-$5,000.
Abandonment of transmission line easements and rights-of-way—$100-$1,500.
Quota deer hunt or turkey hunt applications—$5-$25.
(b) Basis of charge.
The administrative charge assessed by the responsible land manager shall, to the extent applicable, include the following costs:
Appraisal of the land or landrights affected;
Assessing applicable rental fees;
Compliance inspections and other field investigations;
Title and record searches;
Preparation for and conducting public auction and negotiated sales;
Mapping and surveying;
Preparation of conveyance instrument, permit, or other authorization or approval instrument;
Coordination of the proposed action within TVA and with other Federal, State, and local agencies;
Administrative overheads associated with the transaction.
(c) Assessment of charge when actual administrative costs significantly exceed established range.
When the responsible land manager determines that the actual administrative costs are expected to significantly exceed the range of costs established in paragraph (a) of this section, such manager shall not proceed with the TVA action until agreement is reached on payment of a charge calculated to cover TVA's actual administrative costs.
(d) Quota deer hunt and turkey hunt application fees.
A fee for each person in the amount prescribed by the responsible land manager must accompany the complete application form for a quota deer hunt and turkey hunt permit. Applications will not be processed unless accompanied by the correct fee amount. No refunds will be made to unsuccessful applicants, except that fees received after the application due date will be refunded.
(e) Additional charges.
In addition to the charges assessed under these regulations, TVA may impose a charge in connection with environmental reviews or other environmental investigations it conducts under its policies or procedures implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321
et seq. ).