1301.54—Requirements for a demand for records or testimony.
(a) Service of demands.
Only TVA's General Counsel or his/her designee is authorized to receive and accept demands sought to be served upon TVA or its employees. All such documents should be delivered in person or by United States mail to the Office of the General Counsel, Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 W. Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902.
(b) Time limit for serving demands.
The demand must be served at least 30 days prior to the scheduled date of testimony or disclosure of records, in order to ensure that the General Counsel has adequate time to consider the demand and prepare a response, except in cases of routine requests for personnel and payroll records located on-site in Knoxville, where service 15 days prior will normally be considered sufficient. The General Counsel may, upon request and for good cause shown, waive the requirement of this paragraph.
(c) Form of Demand.
A demand for testimony or production of records or other official information must comply with the following requirements:
The demand must be in writing and submitted to the General Counsel.
The demand must include the following information:
The caption of the legal proceeding, docket number, and name and address of the court or other authority involved.
If production or records or other official information is sought, a list of categories of records sought, a detailed description of how the information sought is relevant to the issues in the legal proceeding, and a specific description of the substance of the records sought.
If testimony is sought, a description of the intended use of the testimony, a detailed description of how the testimony sought is relevant to the issues in the legal proceeding, and a specific description of the substance of the testimony sought.
A statement as to how the need for the information outweighs any need to maintain the confidentiality of the information and outweighs the burden on TVA to produce the documents or testimony.
A statement indicating that the information sought is not available from another source, from other persons or entities, or from the testimony of someone other than a TVA employee, such as a retained expert.
The name, address, and telephone number of counsel to each party in the case.
(d) Additional information.
TVA reserves the right to require additional information to complete the request where appropriate or to waive any of the requirements of this section at its sole discretion.