Reasonable annual charges for recompensing the United States for the use, occupancy, and enjoyment of its lands (other than lands adjoining or pertaining to Government dams or other structures owned by the United States Government) or its other property, will be fixed by the Commission. In fixing such charges the Commission may take into consideration such factors as commercial value, the most profitable use for which the lands or other property may be suited, the beneficial purpose for which said lands or other property have been or may be used, and such other factors as the Commission may deem pertinent.
Pending further order of the Commission and subject to adjustments as conditions may warrant, annual charges for the use of government lands will be payable in advance, and will be set on the basis of the schedule of rental fees for linear rights-of-way as set out in Appendix A of this part. Annual charges for transmission line rights-of-way will be equal to the per-acre charges established by the above schedule. Annual charges for other project lands will be equal to twice the charges established by the schedule. The Commission, by its designee the Executive Director, will update its fees schedule to reflect changes in land values established by the Forest Service. The Executive Director will publish the updated fee schedule in the Federal Register.
The annual land use charge payable for the nine month transition year of the implementation of this rule (1987) will be payable in three equal installments, with an installment included in the land use charges bills for 1988, 1989, and 1990.
The charge for one year will equal an amount as computed under the procedures outlined in this section, or twice the previous full normal year's bill (not including the installments described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section), whichever is less.
The minimum annual charge for use of Government lands under any license will be $25.
No licensee under a license issued prior to August 26, 1935, shall be required to pay annual charges in an amount greater than that prescribed in such license, except as may be otherwise provided in the license.
Code of Federal Regulations
[Order 560, 42 FR 1229, Jan. 6, 1977; 42 FR 6366, Feb. 2, 1977. Redesignated at 51 FR 24318, July 3, 1986; Order No. 469, 52 FR 18209, May 14, 1987; 53 FR 44859, Nov. 7, 1988]