5.10—Risk assessment recordkeeping requirements for retail foreign exchange dealers.
(a) Requirement to maintain and preserve information.
Each retail foreign exchange dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to section 2(c)(2)(B)(i)(II)(gg) of the Act shall prepare, maintain and preserve the following information:
An organizational chart which includes the retail foreign exchange dealer and each of its affiliated persons. Included in the organizational chart shall be a designation of which affiliated persons are “Material Affiliated Persons” as that term is used in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, which Material Affiliated Persons file routine financial or risk exposure reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a federal banking agency, an insurance commissioner or other similar official or agency of a state, or a foreign regulatory authority, and which Material Affiliated Persons are dealers in financial instruments with off-balance sheet risk and, if a Material Affiliated Person is such a dealer, whether it is also an end-user of such instruments;
Written policies, procedures, or systems concerning the retail foreign exchange dealer's:
Method(s) for monitoring and controlling financial and operational risks to it resulting from the activities of any of its affiliated persons;
Financing and capital adequacy, including information regarding sources of funding, together with a narrative discussion by management of the liquidity of the material assets of the retail foreign exchange dealer, the structure of debt capital, and sources of alternative funding;
Establishing and maintaining internal controls with respect to market risk, credit risk, and other risks created by the retail foreign exchange dealer's trading activities, including systems and policies for supervising, monitoring, reporting and reviewing trading activities in forex transactions, securities, futures contracts, commodity options, forward contracts and financial instruments; policies for hedging or managing risks created by trading activities or supervising accounts carried for affiliates, including a description of the types of reviews conducted to monitor positions; and policies relating to restrictions or limitations on trading activities: Provided, however, that if the retail foreign exchange dealer has no such written policies, procedures or systems, it must so state in writing;
Fiscal year-end consolidated and consolidating balance sheets for the highest level Material Affiliated Person within the retail foreign exchange dealer's organizational structure, which shall include the retail foreign exchange dealer and its other Material Affiliated Persons, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which consolidated balance sheets shall be audited by an independent certified public accountant if an annual audit is performed in the ordinary course of business, but which otherwise may be unaudited, and which shall include appropriate explanatory notes. The consolidating balance sheets may be those prepared by the retail foreign exchange dealer's highest level Material Affiliated Person as part of its internal financial reporting process. Any additional information required to be filed under § 5.11(a)(2)(iii) of this part shall also be maintained and preserved; and
Fiscal year-end consolidated and consolidating income statements and consolidated cash flow statements for the highest level Material Affiliated Person within the retail foreign exchange dealer's organizational structure, which shall include the retail foreign exchange dealer and its other Material Affiliated Persons, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which consolidated statements shall be audited by an independent certified public accountant if an annual audit is performed in the ordinary course of business, but which otherwise may be unaudited, and which shall include appropriate explanatory notes. The consolidating statements may be those prepared by the retail foreign exchange dealer's highest level Material Affiliated Person as part of its internal financial reporting process. Any additional information required to be filed under § 5.11(a)(2)(iii) shall also be maintained and preserved.
The determination of whether an affiliated person of a retail foreign exchange dealer is a Material Affiliated Person shall involve consideration of all aspects of the activities of, and the relationship between, both entities, including without limitation, the following factors:
The legal relationship between the retail foreign exchange dealer and the affiliated person;
The overall financing requirements of the retail foreign exchange dealer and the affiliated person, and the degree, if any, to which the retail foreign exchange dealer and the affiliated person are financially dependent on each other;
The degree to which the retail foreign exchange dealer and the affiliated person directly or indirectly engage in over-the-counter transactions with each other;
The degree, if any, to which the retail foreign exchange dealer or its customers rely on the affiliated person for operational support or services in connection with the retail foreign exchange dealer's business;
The level of market, credit or other risk present in the activities of the affiliated person; and
The extent to which the affiliated person has the authority or the ability to cause a withdrawal of capital from the retail foreign exchange dealer.
For purposes of this section and § 5.11 of this part, the term Material Affiliated Person does not include a natural person.
The information, reports and records required by this section shall be maintained and preserved, and made readily available for inspection, in accordance with the provisions of § 1.31 of this chapter.
(b) Special provisions with respect to Material Affiliated Persons subject to the supervision of certain domestic regulators.
A retail foreign exchange dealer shall be deemed to be in compliance with the recordkeeping requirements of paragraphs (a)(1)(i), (iii) and (iv) of this section with respect to a Material Affiliated Person if:
The Material Affiliated Person is required to maintain and preserve information pursuant to § 240.17h-1T of this title, or such other risk assessment regulations as the Securities and Exchange Commission may adopt, and the retail foreign exchange dealer maintains and makes available for inspection by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this section copies of the records and reports maintained and filed on Form 17-H (or such other forms or reports as may be required) by the Material Affiliated Person with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to §§ 240.17h-1T and 240.17h-2T of this title, or such other risk assessment regulations as the Securities and Exchange Commission may adopt;
In the case of a Material Affiliated Person (including a foreign banking organization) that is subject to examination by, or the reporting requirements of, a Federal banking agency, the retail foreign exchange dealer or such Material Affiliated Person maintains and makes available for inspection by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this section copies of all reports submitted by such Material Associated Person to the Federal banking agency pursuant to section 5211 of the Revised Statutes, section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, section 7(a) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, section 10(b) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, or section 5 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956; or
In the case of a Material Affiliated Person that is subject to the supervision of an insurance commissioner or other similar official or agency of a state, the retail foreign exchange dealer or such Material Affiliated Person maintains and makes available for inspection by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this section copies of the annual statements with schedules and exhibits prepared by the Material Affiliated Person on forms prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners or by a state insurance commissioner.
(1) Special provisions with respect to Material Affiliated Persons subject to the supervision of a Foreign Regulatory Authority.
A retail foreign exchange dealer shall be deemed to be in compliance with the recordkeeping requirements of paragraphs (a)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this section with respect to a Material Affiliated Person if such retail foreign exchange dealer maintains and makes available, or causes such Material Affiliated Person to make available, for inspection by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this section copies of any financial or risk exposure reports filed by such Material Affiliated Person with a foreign futures authority or other foreign regulatory authority, provided that:
The retail foreign exchange dealer agrees to use its best efforts to obtain from the Material Affiliated Person and to cause the Material Affiliated Person to provide, directly or through its foreign futures authority or other foreign regulatory authority, any supplemental information the Commission may request and there is no statute or other bar in the foreign jurisdiction that would preclude the retail foreign exchange dealer, the Material Affiliated Person, the foreign futures authority or other foreign regulatory authority from providing such information to the Commission; or
The foreign futures authority or other foreign regulatory authority with whom the Material Affiliated Person files such reports has entered into an information-sharing agreement with the Commission which is in effect as of the retail foreign exchange dealer's fiscal year-end and which will allow the Commission to obtain the type of information required herein.
The retail foreign exchange dealer shall maintain a copy of the original report and a copy translated into the English language. For the purposes of this section, the term “Foreign Futures Authority” shall have the meaning set forth in section 1a(10) of the Act.
(d) Exemptions.
The Commission may exempt any retail foreign exchange dealer from any provision of this section if it finds that the exemption is not contrary to the public interest and the purposes of the provisions from which the exemption is sought. The Commission may grant the exemption subject to such terms and conditions as it may find appropriate.
(e) Location of records.
A retail foreign exchange dealer required to maintain records concerning Material Affiliated Persons pursuant to this section may maintain those records either at the principal office of the Material Affiliated Person or at a records storage facility, provided that, except as set forth in paragraph (c) of this section, the records are located within the boundaries of the United States and the records are kept and available for inspection in accordance with § 1.31 of this chapter. If such records are maintained at a place other than the retail foreign exchange dealer's principal place of business, the Material Affiliated Person or other entity maintaining the records shall file with the Commission a written undertaking, in a form acceptable to the Commission, signed by a duly authorized person, to the effect that the records will be treated as if the retail foreign exchange dealer were maintaining the records pursuant to this section and that the entity maintaining the records will permit examination of such records at any time, or from time to time during business hours, by representatives or designees of the Commission and promptly furnish the Commission representative or its designee true, correct, complete and current hard copy of all or any part of such records. The election to maintain records at the principal place of business of the Material Affiliated Person or at a records storage facility pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph shall not relieve the retail foreign exchange dealer required to maintain and preserve such records from any of its responsibilities under this section or § 5.11 of this part.
(f) Confidentiality.
All information obtained by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this section from a retail foreign exchange dealer concerning a Material Affiliated Person shall be deemed confidential information for the purposes of section 8 of the Act.
(g) Implementation schedule.
Each retail foreign exchange dealer who is subject to the requirements of this section shall maintain and preserve the information required by paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section commencing 60 calendar days after registration becomes effective and the information required by paragraphs (a)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this section commencing 105 calendar days following the first fiscal year-end occurring after registration becomes effective.