The Commission may designate any board of trade located in the United States as a contract market for the trading of options on contracts of sale for future delivery or for options on physicals in any commodity regulated under the Act, when the applicant complies with and carries out the requirements of the Act (as provided in § 33.2 ), the regulations in this part, and the following conditions and requirements with respect to the commodity option for which the designation is sought:
Applies for designation as a contract market for the purpose of trading “put” and/or “call” options which:
Are not capable of being transferred, assigned or otherwise disposed of other than on or subject to the rules of the board of trade; and
With respect to options on futures contracts, may be exercised only by the establishment, by book entry, in the clearing organization of positions in the underlying futures contract.
If designation for the trading of options on futures contracts is sought, is designated as a contract market for the underlying contract of sale for future delivery which is the subject of the option for which designation is sought, and submits, if so requested by the Commission, the information called for by § 1.50 of this chapter (relating to continued compliance with the conditions and requirements for designation as a contract market) for the specified futures contract underlying the option for which the designation is sought, and the applicant complies with the conditions and requirements for designation as a contract market for such contract for future delivery as set forth in sections 5 and 5a(a) of the Act and as set forth in these regulations.
In the case of a contract market which is requesting designation for the trading of options on physicals for which it is designated as a contract market for contracts of sale for future delivery or for options on futures contracts, submits, if so requested by the Commission, the information called for by § 1.50 of this chapter (relating to continued compliance with the conditions and requirements for designition as a contract market) for that specified futures contract and/or options on that futures contract, and the applicant complies with the conditions and requirements for designation as a contract market for such contract for future delivery as set forth in sections 5 and 5a(a) of the Act and as set forth in these regulations.
The commodity option for which it is requesting designation is likely to serve a legitimate economic purpose;
If designation for the trading of options on physicals is sought and thereafter for the purpose of demonstrating continued compliance with the Act and these regulations:
The cash market for the underlying physical exhibits sufficient liquidity such that the grantor and purchaser of the option have the opportunity to purchase or sell the underlying physical at its economic value in normal cash marketing channels;
There exists an accurate and widely-disseminated price series for the underlying physical which is deliverable on the option contract;
Trading of such options will not be disruptive of trading in the cash market for the underlying physical or of any futures contract; and
The individual terms and conditions of the option contract conform to practices in the underlying cash market or are otherwise justified, including a demonstration that the terms and conditions of the option contract provide for a deliverable supply which is not conducive to price manipulation or distortion, consistent with a description of the cash market furnished by the board of trade.
Such board of trade adopts rules which:
Prescribe in regard to strike prices:
The dollar amount of the intervals between strike prices;
The strike prices at which trading in a new option expiration will be introduced;
The point, in terms of the price of the underlying futures contract or underlying physical, at which a new strike price will be introduced in any option which is already trading;
Prescribe an expiration date of the option that is not less than one business day before the earlier of the last trading day or the first notice day of any futures contract on the same or a related commodity; Provided, however, That where the underlying futures contract is cash-settled, the option may expire simultaneously with the expiration of the futures contract.
Require that upon exercise of each option, notification thereof be given to the option grantor.
Require, with respect to all written option customer complaints, that each member futures commission merchant which engages in the offer or sale of commodity options regulated under this part:
Retain all such complaints;
Make and retain a record of the date the complaint was received, the associated person who serviced, or the introducing broker who introduced, the account, a general description of the matter complained of, and what, if any, action was taken by the futures commission merchant in regard to the complaint; and
Require each member futures commission merchant which engages in the offer or sale of option contracts regulated under this part to adopt and enforce written procedures pursuant to which it will be able to supervise adequately each option customer's account, including but not limited to, the solicitation of any such account: Provided, That as used in this paragraph (b)(5), the term “option customer” does not include another futures commission merchant.
Require each member futures commission merchant which engages in the offer or sale of option contracts regulated under this part to enforce the disclosure requirements set forth in § 33.7.
Prohibit fraudulent or high-pressure sales communications by member futures commission merchants relating to the offer or sale of option contracts regulated under this part.
Establish appropriate criteria which are reasonably designed to secure performance, upon exercise, of the option contracts.
Such board of trade establishes procedures and conducts sales practice audits of member futures commission merchants which engage in the offer or sale of option contracts regulated under this part. These sales practice audits must be of sufficient scope to enforce the contract market's rules, including imvestigation for the improper handling of discretionary accounts, inadequate internal supervision, fraudulent or high-pressure sales communications, compliance with disclosure requirements, improper handling and disposition of option customer complaints, and, where applicable, the futures commission merchant's offer or sale of deep-out-of-the-money options.
A board of trade must submit an analysis and justification of the individual terms and conditions of the option contract. In determining whether to approve option contract terms and conditions, the Commission may consider the analysis and justification submitted for such terms and conditions, including, without limitation:
The conditions precedent to the exercise of the commodity option and the method by which the option may be exercised;
The nature of the clearing mechanism to be utilized for the commodity option, and the differences, if any, among the clearing mechanisms for options on futures contracts, options on physicals, and futures contracts;
Specific notice periods, including the periods from the date notice of intent to exercise an option is given until exercise is accomplished;
The default provisions and procedures of the commodity option, if any; and
Permitted deviations from or substitutes for compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in paragraphs (d) (1) through (5) of this section.
Such board of trade provides for the general quotation and dissemination of volume and last sale price information on a timely basis with respect to the commodity option for which designation is sought and with respect to the underlying futures contract.
Such board of trade demonstrates that clearance and processing of option transactions on or subject to the rules of the board of trade will not adversely affect the clearance and processing of any transactions for future delivery on or subject to the rules of the board of trade.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0007)
Code of Federal Regulations
(Secs. 2(a)(1)(A), 4c(b), 4c(c), and 8a of the Commodity Exchange Act,
7 U.S.C. 2, 6c(b), 6c(c) and 12a
; secs. 2(a)(1)(A), 4c, 4d, 4f, and 8a(5) (
7 U.S.C. 2(a)(1)(A), 6c, 6d, 6f and 12a(5)
Code of Federal Regulations
[46 FR 54529, Nov. 3, 1981]
Code of Federal Regulations
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 33.4
, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at