Except as otherwise specified in this part and unless the context otherwise requires:
Each board of trade designated, or applying for designation, by the Commission as a contract market for the purpose of trading commodity options pursuant to this part shall be deemed for such purpose to be a “board of trade,” “exchange,” and a “contract market” and, with respect to commodity option transactions conducted pursuant to such designation, shall comply with and be subject to all of the provisions of the Act relating to boards of trade, exchanges, or contract markets as though such provisions were set forth herein; and
The provisions of sections 1a, 2(a)(1), 2(a)(8)(B), 4, 4a, 4c(a), 4d, 4e, 4f, 4g, 4h, 4i, 4j, 4k, 4m, 4n, 5, 5a(a), 5b, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8(a) -(e), 8a, 8b, 8c, and 16 of the Act shall apply to commodity option transactions that are subject to the requirements of this part as though such provisions were set forth herein and included specific references to commodity option transactions. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to confer designation as a contract market absent issuance of an order of the Commission so designating an applicant board of trade.
The provisions of this part apply to commodity option transactions except for transactions which are governed by part 32 of this chapter.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0007)
Code of Federal Regulations
[46 FR 54529, Nov. 3, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 63036, Dec. 30, 1981; 47 FR 57016, Dec. 22, 1982; 59 FR 5526, Feb. 7, 1994]