The notice and statement of charges (notice) required by section 27(f) of the Act shall be sent by first-class mail and shall be accompanied by a written instruction sheet and a return form to be used in connection with the exercise of the right of withdrawal described in the notice. Except for a confirmation slip, the plan certificate, and any notice required by applicable State law, no other written or graphic material may be included with such notice.
The notice may be mailed by the issuer, the principal underwriter for, or the depositor of, the issuer or a recordkeeping agent for the issuer if the custodian bank has delegated the mailing of the notice to any of them or the issuer has been permitted to operate without a custodian bank by Commission order.
Solely for purposes of section 27(f) of the Act, the postmark date on the envelope containing the certificate shall determine whether a certificate has been surrendered within the 45-day period.
Form N-27F-1 is hereby prescribed to inform certificate holders, other than holders of plans upon which the amount of sales load deducted from any payment does not exceed 9 percent of any payment and variable annuity contracts, of their withdrawal right pursuant to section 27(f) of the Act. The text of Form N-27F-1 is as follows:
Code of Federal Regulations
(Secs. 27(e), 27(f), 38(a), 54 Stat. 829, 841;
15 U.S.C. 80a-27(e), 80a-27(f), 80a-37(a)
; sec. 16, Pub. L. 91-547, 84 Stat. 1424-1425; sec. 6(c), 15 U.S.C. 80a-6(c))
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 24055, Dec. 18, 1971, as amended at 37 FR 9990, May 18, 1972; 45 FR 17958, Mar. 20, 1980]