No affiliate of a registered holding company or subsidiary company thereof shall take any step in the performance of any service or construction for, or any sale of goods to, any company of which it is an affiliate and no company whose principal business is the performance of service or construction for, or sale of goods to, one or more registered holding companies or public utility subsidiary companies thereof, either directly or through one or more other companies, shall take any step in the performance of any such service, construction or sale of goods, unless such affiliate or company:
Has filed with the Commission a report on Form U-13E-1 containing the information prescribed by that form, and
Files with the Commission such information supplementing its report on Form N-13E-1 and regarding its accounts, costs, charges, maintenance of competitive conditions, disclosure of interests, duration of contracts, and other similar matters at such times and in accordance with such forms and instructions as the Commission shall designate. The provisions of this section are not applicable to a company authorized to perform service or construction for, or sell goods to, associate companies by § 250.85, § 250.87 or § 250.88.