Every member of a national securities exchange who transacts a business in securities directly with others than members of a national securities exchange, and every broker or dealer who transacts a business in securities through the medium of any such member, and every broker or dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (48 Stat. 895, 49 Stat. 1377, 52 Stat. 1075; 15 U.S.C. 78
o) shall make and keep current the following books and records relating to its business:
Blotters (or other records of original entry) containing an itemized daily record of all purchases and sales of securities, all receipts and deliveries of securities (including certificate numbers), all receipts and disbursements of cash and all other debits and credits. Such records shall show the account for which each such transaction was effected, the name and amount of securities, the unit and aggregate purchase or sale price (if any), the trade date, and the name or other designation of the person from whom purchased or received or to whom sold or delivered.
Ledgers (or other records) reflecting all assets and liabilities, income and expense and capital accounts.
Ledger accounts (or other records) itemizing separately as to each cash and margin account of every customer and of such member, broker or dealer and partners thereof, all purchases, sales, receipts and deliveries of securities and commodities for such account and all other debits and credits to such account.
Ledgers (or other records) reflecting the following:
Securities in transfer;
Dividends and interest received;
Securities borrowed and securities loaned;
Moneys borrowed and moneys loaned (together with a record of the collateral therefor and any substitutions in such collateral);
Securities failed to receive and failed to deliver;
All long and all short securities record differences arising from the examination, count, verification and comparison pursuant to §§ 240.17a-5, 240.17a-12, and 240.17a-13 (by date of examination, count, verification and comparison showing for each security the number of long or short count differences);
Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements;
A securities record or ledger reflecting separately for each security as of the clearance dates all “long” or “short” positions (including securities in safekeeping and securities that are the subjects of repurchase or reverse repurchase agreements) carried by such member, broker or dealer for its account of for the account of its customers or partners or others and showing the location of all securities long and the offsetting position to all securities short, including long security count differences and short security count differences classified by the date of the physical count and verification in which they were discovered, and in all cases the name or designation of the account in which each position is carried.
A memorandum of each brokerage order, and of any other instruction, given or received for the purchase or sale of securities, whether executed or unexecuted. The memorandum shall show the terms and conditions of the order or instructions and of any modification or cancellation thereof; the account for which entered; the time the order was received; the time of entry; the price at which executed; the identity of each associated person, if any, responsible for the account; the identity of any other person who entered or accepted the order on behalf of the customer or, if a customer entered the order on an electronic system, a notation of that entry; and, to the extent feasible, the time of execution or cancellation. The memorandum need not show the identity of any person, other than the associated person responsible for the account, who may have entered or accepted the order if the order is entered into an electronic system that generates the memorandum and if that system is not capable of receiving an entry of the identity of any person other than the responsible associated person; in that circumstance, the member, broker or dealer shall produce upon request by a representative of a securities regulatory authority a separate record which identifies each other person. An order entered pursuant to the exercise of discretionary authority by the member, broker or dealer, or associated person thereof, shall be so designated. The term instruction shall include instructions between partners and employees of a member, broker or dealer. The term time of entry shall mean the time when the member, broker or dealer transmits the order or instruction for execution.
This memorandum need not be made as to a purchase, sale or redemption of a security on a subscription way basis directly from or to the issuer, if the member, broker or dealer maintains a copy of the customer's subscription agreement regarding a purchase, or a copy of any other document required by the issuer regarding a sale or redemption.
A memorandum of each purchase and sale for the account of the member, broker, or dealer showing the price and, to the extent feasible, the time of execution; and, in addition, where the purchase or sale is with a customer other than a broker or dealer, a memorandum of each order received, showing the time of receipt; the terms and conditions of the order and of any modification thereof; the account for which it was entered; the identity of each associated person, if any, responsible for the account; the identity of any other person who entered or accepted the order on behalf of the customer or, if a customer entered the order on an electronic system, a notation of that entry. The memorandum need not show the identity of any person other than the associated person responsible for the account who may have entered the order if the order is entered into an electronic system that generates the memorandum and if that system is not capable of receiving an entry of the identity of any person other than the responsible associated person: in that circumstance, the member, broker or dealer shall produce upon request by a representative of a securities regulatory authority a separate record which identifies each other person. An order with a customer other than a member, broker or dealer entered pursuant to the exercise of discretionary authority by the member, broker or dealer, or associated person thereof, shall be so designated.
Copies of confirmations of all purchases and sales of securities, including all repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, and copies of notices of all other debits and credits for securities, cash and other items for the account of customers and partners of such member, broker or dealer.
A record in respect of each cash and margin account with such member, broker or dealer indicating
The name and address of the beneficial owner of such account, and
Except with respect to exempt employee benefit plan securities as defined in § 240.14a-1(d), but only to the extent such securities are held by employee benefit plans established by the issuer of the securities, whether or not the beneficial owner of securities registered in the name of such members, brokers or dealers, or a registered clearing agency or its nominee objects to disclosure of his or her identity, address and securities positions to issuers, and
In the case of a margin account, the signature of such owner; Provided, That, in the case of a joint account or an account of a corporation, such records are required only in respect of the person or persons authorized to transact business for such account.
A record of all puts, calls, spreads, straddles and other options in which such member, broker or dealer has any direct or indirect interest or which such members, broker or dealer has granted or guaranteed, containing, at least, an identification of the security and the number of units involved. An OTC derivatives dealer shall also keep a record of all eligible OTC derivative instruments as defined in § 240.3b-13 in which the OTC derivatives dealer has any direct or indirect interest or which it has written or guaranteed, containing, at a minimum, an identification of the security or other instrument, the number of units involved, and the identity of the counterparty.
A record of the proof of money balances of all ledger accounts in the form of trial balances, and a record of the computation of aggregate indebtedness and net capital, as of the trial balance date, pursuant to § 240.15c3-1; Provided, however, (i) That such computation need not be made by any member, broker or dealer unconditionally exempt from § 240.15c3-1 by paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(3), thereof; and (ii) that any member of an exchange whose members are exempt from § 240.15c3-1 by paragraph (b)(2) thereof shall make a record of the computation of aggregate indebtedness and net capital as of the trial balance date in accordance with the capital rules of at least one of the exchanges therein listed of which it is a member. Such trial balances and computations shall be prepared currently at least once a month.
A questionnaire or application for employment executed by each “associated person” (as defined in paragraph (h)(4) of this section) of the member, broker or dealer, which questionnaire or application shall be approved in writing by an authorized representative of the member, broker or dealer and shall contain at least the following information with respect to the associated person:
The associated person's name, address, social security number, and the starting date of the associated person's employment or other association with the member, broker or dealer;
The associated person's date of birth;
A complete, consecutive statement of all the associated person's business connections for at least the preceding ten years, including whether the employment was part-time or full-time;
A record of any denial of membership or registration, and of any disciplinary action taken, or sanction imposed, upon the associated person by any federal or state agency, or by any national securities exchange or national securities association, including any finding that the associated person was a cause of any disciplinary action or had violated any law;
A record of any denial, suspension, expulsion or revocation of membership or registration of any member, broker or dealer with which the associated person was associated in any capacity when such action was taken;
A record of any permanent or temporary injunction entered against the associated person or any member, broker or dealer with which the associated person was associated in any capacity at the time such injunction was entered;
A record of any arrest or indictment for any felony, or any misdemeanor pertaining to securities, commodities, banking, insurance or real estate (including, but not limited to, acting or being associated with a broker-dealer, investment company, investment adviser, futures sponsor, bank, or savings and loan association), fraud, false statements or omissions, wrongful taking of property or bribery, forgery, counterfeiting or extortion, and the disposition of the foregoing.
A record of any other name or names by which the associated person has been known or which the associated person has used;
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Provided, however, That if such associated person has been registered as a registered representative of such member, broker or dealer with, or the associated person's employment has been approved by, the Financial Industry
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Regulatory Authority, Inc., the American Stock Exchange LLC, the Boston Stock Exchange, Inc., the Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., New York Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE Arca, Inc., the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated, the National Stock Exchange, Inc. or the International Securities Exchange, LLC, then retention of a full, correct, and complete copy of any and all applications for such registration or approval shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph.
A record listing every associated person of the member, broker or dealer which shows, for each associated person, every office of the member, broker or dealer where the associated person regularly conducts the business of handling funds or securities or effecting any transactions in, or inducing or attempting to induce the purchase or sale of any security for the member, broker or dealer, and the Central Registration Depository number, if any, and every internal identification number or code assigned to that person by the member, broker or dealer.
Records required to be maintained pursuant to paragraph (d) of § 240.17f-2.
Copies of all Forms X-17F-1A filed pursuant to § 240.17f-1, all agreements between reporting institutions regarding registration or other aspects of § 240.17f-1, and all confirmations or other information received from the Commission or its designee as a result of inquiry.
Records required to be maintained pursuant to paragraph (e) of § 240.17f-2.
The following records regarding any internal broker-dealer system of which such a broker or dealer is the sponsor:
A record of the broker's or dealer's customers that have access to an internal broker-dealer system sponsored by such broker or dealer (identifying any affiliations between such customers and the broker or dealer);
Daily summaries of trading in the internal broker-dealer system, including:
(1) Securities for which transactions have been executed through use of such system; and
(2) Transaction volume (separately stated for trading occurring during hours when consolidated trade reporting facilities are and are not in operation):
(i) With respect to equity securities, stated in number of trades, number of shares, and total U.S. dollar value;
(ii) With respect to debt securities, stated in total settlement value in U.S. dollars; and
(iii) With respect to other securities, stated in number of trades, number of units of securities, and in dollar value, or other appropriate commonly used measure of value of such securities; and
Time-sequenced records of each transaction effected through the internal broker-dealer system, including date and time executed, price, size, security traded, counterparty identification information, and method of execution (if internal broker-dealer system allows alternative means or locations for execution, such as routing to another market, matching with limit orders, or executing against the quotations of the broker or dealer sponsoring the system).
For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the term:
Internal broker-dealer system shall mean any facility, other than a national securities exchange, an exchange exempt from registration based on limited volume, or an alternative trading system as defined in Regulation ATS, §§ 242.300 through 242.303 of this chapter, that provides a mechanism, automated in full or in part, for collecting, receiving, disseminating, or displaying system orders and facilitating agreement to the basic terms of a purchase or sale of a security between a customer and the sponsor, or between two customers of the sponsor, through use of the internal broker-dealer system or through the broker or dealer sponsor of such system;
Sponsor shall mean any broker or dealer that organizes, operates, administers, or otherwise directly controls an internal broker-dealer trading system or, if the operator of the internal broker-dealer system is not a registered broker or dealer, any broker or dealer that, pursuant to contract, affiliation, or other agreement with the system operator, is involved on a regular basis with executing transactions in connection with use of the internal broker-dealer system, other than solely for its own account or as a customer with access to the internal broker-dealer system; and
System order means any order or other communication or indication submitted by any customer with access to the internal broker-dealer system for entry into a trading system announcing an interest in purchasing or selling a security. The term “system order” does not include inquiries or indications of interest that are not entered into the internal broker-dealer system.
For each account with a natural person as a customer or owner:
An account record including the customer's or owner's name, tax identification number, address, telephone number, date of birth, employment status (including occupation and whether the customer is an associated person of a member, broker or dealer), annual income, net worth (excluding value of primary residence), and the account's investment objectives. In the case of a joint account, the account record must include personal information for each joint owner who is a natural person; however, financial information for the individual joint owners may be combined. The account record shall indicate whether it has been signed by the associated person responsible for the account, if any, and approved or accepted by a principal of the member, broker or dealer. For accounts in existence on the effective date of this section, the member, broker or dealer must obtain this information within three years of the effective date of the section.
A record indicating that:
(1) The member, broker or dealer has furnished to each customer or owner within three years of the effective date of this section, and to each customer or owner who opened an account after the effective date of this section within thirty days of the opening of the account, and thereafter at intervals no greater than thirty-six months, a copy of the account record or an alternate document with all information required by paragraph (a)(17)(i)(A) of this section. The member, broker or dealer may elect to send this notification with the next statement mailed to the customer or owner after the opening of the account. The member, broker or dealer may choose to exclude any tax identification number and date of birth from the account record or alternative document furnished to the customer or owner. The member, broker or dealer shall include with the account record or alternative document provided to each customer or owner an explanation of any terms regarding investment objectives. The account record or alternate document furnished to the customer or owner shall include or be accompanied by prominent statements that the customer or owner should mark any corrections and return the account record or alternate document to the member, broker or dealer, and that the customer or owner should notify the member, broker or dealer of any future changes to information contained in the account record.
(2) For each account record updated to reflect a change in the name or address of the customer or owner, the member, broker or dealer furnished a notification of that change to the customer's old address, or to each joint owner, and the associated person, if any, responsible for that account, on or before the 30th day after the date the member, broker or dealer received notice of the change.
(3) For each change in the account's investment objectives the member, broker or dealer has furnished to each customer or owner, and the associated person, if any, responsible for that account a copy of the updated customer account record or alternative document with all information required to be furnished by paragraph (a)(17)(i)(B)(1) of this section, on or before the 30th day after the date the member, broker or dealer received notice of any change, or, if the account was updated for some reason other than the firm receiving notice of a change, after the date the account record was updated. The member, broker or dealer may elect to send this notification with the next statement scheduled to be mailed to the customer or owner.
For purposes of this paragraph (a)(17), the neglect, refusal, or inability of a customer or owner to provide or update any account record information required under paragraph (a)(17)(i)(A) of this section shall excuse the member, broker or dealer from obtaining that required information.
The account record requirements in paragraph (a)(17)(i)(A) of this section shall only apply to accounts for which the member, broker or dealer is, or has within the past 36 months been, required to make a suitability determination under the federal securities laws or under the requirements of a self-regulatory organization of which it is a member. Additionally, the furnishing requirement in paragraph (a)(17)(i)(B)(1) of this section shall not be applicable to an account for which, within the last 36 months, the member, broker or dealer has not been required to make a suitability determination under the federal securities laws or under the requirements of a self-regulatory organization of which it is a member. This paragraph (a)(17)(i)(D) does not relieve a member, broker or dealer from any obligation arising from the rules of a self-regulatory organization of which it is a member regarding the collection of information from a customer or owner.
If an account is a discretionary account, a record containing the dated signature of each customer or owner granting the authority and the dated signature of each natural person to whom discretionary authority was granted.
A record for each account indicating that each customer or owner was furnished with a copy of each written agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this paragraph pertaining to that account and that, if requested by the customer or owner, the customer or owner was furnished with a fully executed copy of each agreement.
As to each associated person of each written customer complaint received by the member, broker or dealer concerning that associated person. The record shall include the complainant's name, address, and account number; the date the complaint was received; the name of any other associated person identified in the complaint; a description of the nature of the complaint; and the disposition of the complaint. Instead of the record, a member, broker or dealer may maintain a copy of each original complaint in a separate file by the associated person named in the complaint along with a record of the disposition of the complaint.
Indicating that each customer of the member, broker or dealer has been provided with a notice containing the address and telephone number of the department of the member, broker or dealer to which any complaints as to the account may be directed.
As to each associated person listing each purchase and sale of a security attributable, for compensation purposes, to that associated person. The record shall include the amount of compensation if monetary and a description of the compensation if non-monetary. In lieu of making this record, a member, broker or dealer may elect to produce the required information promptly upon request of a representative of a securities regulatory authority.
Of all agreements pertaining to the relationship between each associated person and the member, broker or dealer including a summary of each associated person's compensation arrangement or plan with the member, broker or dealer, including commission and concession schedules and, to the extent that compensation is based on factors other than remuneration per trade, the method by which the compensation is determined.
A record, which need not be separate from the advertisements, sales literature, or communications, documenting that the member, broker or dealer has complied with, or adopted policies and procedures reasonably designed to establish compliance with, applicable federal requirements and rules of a self-regulatory organization of which the member, broker or dealer is a member which require that advertisements, sales literature, or any other communications with the public by a member, broker or dealer or its associated persons be approved by a principal.
A record for each office listing, by name or title, each person at that office who, without delay, can explain the types of records the firm maintains at that office and the information contained in those records.
A record listing each principal of a member, broker or dealer responsible for establishing policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure compliance with any applicable federal requirements or rules of a self-regulatory organization of which the member, broker or dealer is a member that require acceptance or approval of a record by a principal.
This section shall not be deemed to require a member of a national securities exchange, a broker, or dealer who transacts a business in securities through the medium of any such member, or a broker or dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the Act, to make or keep such records of transactions cleared for such member, broker, or dealer as are customarily made and kept by a clearing broker or dealer pursuant to the requirements of §§ 240.17a-3 and 240.17a-4: Provided, That the clearing broker or dealer has and maintains net capital of not less than $25,000 and is otherwise in compliance with § 240.15c3-1 or the capital rules of the exchange of which such clearing broker or dealer is a member if the members of such exchange are exempt from § 240.15c3-1 by paragraph (b)(2) thereof.
This section shall not be deemed to require a member of a national securities exchange, a broker, or dealer who transacts a business in securities through the medium of any such member, or a broker or dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the Act, to make or keep such records of transactions cleared for such member, broker or dealer by a bank as are customarily made and kept by a clearing broker or dealer pursuant to the requirements of §§ 240.17a-3 and 240.17a-4: Provided, That such member, broker, or dealer obtains from such bank an agreement in writing to the effect that the records made and kept by such bank are the property of the member, broker, or dealer: And provided further, That such bank files with the Commission a written undertaking in form acceptable to the Commission and signed by a duly authorized person, that such books and records are available for examination by representatives of the Commission as specified in section 17(a) of the Act, and that it will furnish to the Commission, upon demand, at its principal office in Washington, DC, or at any regional office of the Commission designated in such demand, true, correct, complete, and current copies of any or all of such records. Such undertaking shall include the following provisions:
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Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve such member, broker, or dealer from the responsibility that such books and records be accurately maintained and preserved as specified in §§ 240.17a-3 and 240.17a-4
This section shall not be deemed to require a member of a national securities exchange, or a broker or dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 895, 49 Stat. 1377; 15 U.S.C. 78
o) as amended, to make or keep such records as are required by paragraph (a) reflecting the sale of United States Tax Savings Notes, United States Defense Savings Stamps, or United States Defense Savings Bonds, Series E, F and G.
The records specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall not be required with respect to any cash transaction of $100 or less involving only subscription rights or warrants which by their terms expire within 90 days after the issuance thereof.
For purposes of transactions in municipal securities by municipal securities brokers and municipal securities dealers, compliance with Rule G-8 of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board will be deemed to be in compliance with this section.
(f) Security futures products.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to security futures product transactions and positions in a futures account (as that term is defined in § 240.15c3-3(a)(15) ); provided, that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's recordkeeping rules apply to those transactions and positions.
Every member, broker or dealer shall make and keep current, as to each office, the books and records described in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(6), (a)(7), (a)(12), (a)(17), (a)(18)(i), (a)(19), (a)(20), (a)(21), and (a)(22) of this section.
When used in this section:
The term office means any location where one or more associated persons regularly conduct the business of handling funds or securities or effecting any transactions in, or inducing or attempting to induce the purchase or sale of, any security.
The term principal means any individual registered with a registered national securities association as a principal or branch manager of a member, broker or dealer or any other person who has been delegated supervisory responsibility over associated persons by the member, broker or dealer.
The term securities regulatory authority means the Commission, any self-regulatory organization, or any securities commission (or any agency or office performing like functions) of the States.
The term associated person means an “associated person of a member” or “associated person of a broker or dealer” as defined in sections 3(a)(21) and 3(a)(18) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(21) and (a)(18)) respectively, but shall not include persons whose functions are solely clerical or ministerial.
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[13 FR 8212, Dec. 22, 1948]
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Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 240.17a-3
, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at at www.fdsys.gov.