The registrant must furnish this information in plain English. See § 230.421(d) of Regulation C of this chapter.
(a) Table of contents.
On either the inside front or outside back cover page of the prospectus, provide a reasonably detailed table of contents. It must show the page number of the various sections or subdivisions of the prospectus. Include a specific listing of the risk factors section required by Item 503 of this Regulation S-K ( 17 CFR 229.503 ). You must include the table of contents immediately following the cover page in any prospectus you deliver electronically.
(b) Dealer prospectus delivery obligation.
On the outside back cover page of the prospectus, advise dealers of their prospectus delivery obligation, including the expiration date specified by Section 4(3) of the Securities Act (15 U.S.C. 77d(3)) and § 230.174 of this chapter. If you do not know the expiration date on the effective date of the registration statement, include the expiration date in the copy of the prospectus you file under § 230.424(b) of this chapter. You do not have to include this information if dealers are not required to deliver a prospectus under § 230.174 of this chapter or Section 24(d) of the Investment Company Act (15 U.S.C. 80a-24 ). You may use the following or other clear, plain language:
Code of Federal Regulations
[63 FR 6383, Feb. 6, 1998]