Provide the following information about the sponsor:
State the sponsor's name and describe the sponsor's form of organization.
Describe the general character of the sponsor's business.
Describe the sponsor's securitization program and state how long the sponsor has been engaged in the securitization of assets. The description must include, to the extent material, a general discussion of the sponsor's experience in securitizing assets of any type as well as a more detailed discussion of the sponsor's experience in and overall procedures for originating or acquiring and securitizing assets of the type included in the current transaction. Include to the extent material information regarding the size, composition and growth of the sponsor's portfolio of assets of the type to be securitized and information or factors related to the sponsor that may be material to an analysis of the origination or performance of the pool assets, such as whether any prior securitizations organized by the sponsor have defaulted or experienced an early amortization triggering event.
Describe the sponsor's material roles and responsibilities in its securitization program, including whether the sponsor or an affiliate is responsible for originating, acquiring, pooling or servicing the pool assets, and the sponsor's participation in structuring the transaction.
(e) Repurchases and replacements.
If the underlying transaction agreements provide a covenant to repurchase or replace an underlying asset for breach of a representation or warranty, provide in the body of the prospectus for the prior three years, the information required by Rule 15Ga-1(a) ( 17 CFR 240.15Ga-1(a)) concerning all assets securitized by the sponsor that were the subject of a demand to repurchase or replace for breach of the representations and warranties concerning the pool assets for all asset-backed securities (as that term is defined in Section 3(a)(77) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) where the underlying transaction agreements included a covenant to repurchase or replace an underlying asset of the same asset class held by non-affiliates of the sponsor, except that:
For prospectuses to be filed pursuant to § 230.424 of this chapter prior to February 14, 2013, information may be limited to the prior year; and
For prospectuses to be filed pursuant to § 230.424 of this chapter on or after February 14, 2013 but prior to February 14, 2014, information may be limited to the prior two years.
Include a reference to the most recent Form ABS-15G filed by the securitizer (as that term is defined in Section 15G(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) and disclose the CIK number of the securitizer.
For prospectuses to be filed pursuant to § 230.424 of this chapter, the information presented shall not be more than 135 days old.
Code of Federal Regulations
[70 FR 1597, Jan. 7, 2005, as amended at 76 FR 4511, Jan. 26, 2011]