(a) Place to make requests.
A written request by an individual to amend or correct records pertaining to him or her may be hand delivered during normal business hours to the SEC, Operations Center, Room 1418, 6432 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312-2414, or be sent by mail to the Office of Information and Privacy Act Operations, SEC, Operations Center, 6432 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312-2413, or by facsimile (703-914-1149).
(1) Information to be included in requests.
Each request to amend or correct a Commission record shall reasonably describe the record sought to be amended or corrected. Such description should include, for example, relevant names, dates and subject matter to permit the record to be located among the records maintained by the Commission. An individual who has requested that a record pertaining to him be amended or corrected will be advised promptly if the record cannot be located on the basis of the description given and that further identifying information is necessary before his request can be processed. An initial evaluation of a request presented in person will be made immediately to ensure that the request is complete and to indicate what, if any, additional information will be required. Verification of the individual's identity as set forth in § 200.303(a) (2), (3), (4) and (5) may also be required.
(2) Basis for amendment or correction.
An individual requesting an amendment or correction to a record pertaining to him shall specify the substance of the amendment or correction and set forth facts and provide such materials that would support his contention that the record pertaining to him as maintained by the Commission is not accurate, timely or complete, or that the record is not necessary and relevant to accomplish a statutory purpose of the Commission as authorized by law or by Executive Order of the President.
(b) Acknowledgement of requests for amendment or correction.
Receipt of a request to amend or correct a record pertaining to an individual normally will be acknowledged in writing within 10 days after such request has been received. When a request to amend or correct is made in person, the individual making the request will be given a written acknowledgement when the request is presented. The acknowledgement will describe the request received and indicate when it is anticipated that action will be taken on the request. No acknowledgement will be sent when the request for amendment or correction will be reviewed, and an initial decision made, within 10 days from the date the request is received.
Code of Federal Regulations
[40 FR 44068, Sept. 24, 1975, as amended at 47 FR 26819, June 22, 1982; 65 FR 55186, Sept. 13, 2000]