Any meeting or portion of meeting that may properly be closed to the public pursuant to § 147.3(b) (4), (8), (9)(i), (9)(ii) or (10), or any combination thereof, may be closed if a majority of Commissioners votes by recorded vote at the beginning of such meeting, or portion thereof, to close the exempt portion or portions of the meeting.
A written copy of all votes taken pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section reflecting the vote of each Commissioner on the question shall be made available for public inspection in the offices of the FOI, Privacy and Sunshine Acts compliance staff, Office of the Secretariat, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW., Washington, DC 20581.
The Commission shall, except to the extent that such information is exempt from disclosure under the provisions of § 147.3(b), make public announcement at the earliest practicable time of the time, place, and subject matter of any portion of a meeting to which paragraph (a) of this section is applied. Such public announcement shall be provided, to the extent practicable, through the Commission's public calendar as described in § 147.4(d)(1), and by the Commission's Office of the Secretariat as set forth in § 147.4(d)(2).
Code of Federal Regulations
[42 FR 13704, Mar. 11, 1977, as amended at 45 FR 26955, Apr. 22, 1980; 60 FR 49336, Sept. 25, 1995]