(a) Layout.
All energy labels for central air conditioners, heat pumps, and furnaces (including boilers) shall use one size, similar colors, and typefaces with consistent positioning of headline, copy, and charts to maintain uniformity for immediate consumer recognition and readability. Trim size dimensions for all labels shall be as follows: width must be between 5 1/4 inches and 5 1/2 inches (13.34 cm. and 13.97 cm.); length must be between 7 3/8 inches (18.78 cm.) and 7 5/8 (19.34 cm.). Copy is to be set between 27 picas and 29 picas and copy page should be centered (right to left and top to bottom). Depth is variable but should follow closely the prototype labels appearing at the end of this part illustrating the basic layout. All positioning, spacing, type sizes, and line widths should be similar to and consistent with the prototype and sample labels in appendix L.
(b) Type style and setting.
The Arial series typeface or equivalent shall be used exclusively on the label. Specific sizes and faces to be used are indicated on the prototype labels. No hyphenation should be used in setting headline or copy text. Positioning and spacing should follow the prototypes closely. Generally, text must be set flush left with two points leading except where otherwise indicated. See the prototype labels for specific directions.
(c) Colors.
The basic colors of all labels covered by this section shall be process yellow or equivalent and process black. The label shall be printed full bleed process yellow. All type and graphics shall be print process black.
(d) Label Type.
The labels must be affixed to the product in the form of an adhesive label.
All adhesive labels should be applied so they can be easily removed without the use of tools or liquids, other than water, but should be applied with an adhesive with an adhesion capacity sufficient to prevent their dislodgment during normal handling throughout the chain of distribution to the retailer or consumer. The paper stock for pressure-sensitive or other adhesive labels shall have a basic weight of not less than 58 pounds per 500 sheets (25“x38”) or equivalent, exclusive of the release liner and adhesive. A minimum peel adhesion capacity for the adhesive of 12 ounces per square inch is suggested, but not required if the adhesive can otherwise meet the above standard.
(e) Placement.
Manufacturers shall affix adhesive labels to the covered products in such a position that it is easily read by a consumer examining the product. The label should be generally located on the upper-right-front corner of the product's front exterior. However, some other prominent location may be used as long as the label will not become dislodged during normal handling throughout the chain of distribution to the retailer or consumer. The top of the label should not exceed 74 inches from the base of taller products. The label can be displayed in the form of a flap tag adhered to the top of the appliance and bent (folded at 90°) to hang over the front, as long as this can be done with assurance that it will be readily visible. Labels for split system central air conditioners shall be affixed to the condensing unit.
(f) Content of Labels for furnaces.
Headlines and texts, as illustrated in the prototype and sample labels in appendix L to this part.
Name of manufacturer or private labeler shall, in the case of a corporation, be deemed to be satisfied only by the actual corporate name, which may be preceded or followed by the name of the particular division of the corporation. In the case of an individual, partnership, or association, the name under which the business is conducted shall be used. Inclusion of the name of the manufacturer or private labeler is optional at the discretion of the manufacturer or private labeler.
The annual fuel utilization efficiency for furnaces is determined in accordance with § 305.5.
Ranges of comparability consisting of the lowest and highest annual fuel utilization efficiencies (AFUE) (for furnaces) for all furnaces that utilize the same energy source as indicated in the appendices to this part.
Placement of the labeled product on the scale shall be proportionate to the lowest and highest annual fuel utilization efficiency ratings forming the scale.
The following statement shall appear on furnace labels beneath the range(s) as illustrated in the sample labels in appendix L. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate product subcategory listed in brackets:
The following statement shall appear at the top of the label as illustrated as illustrated in the sample labels in appendix L:
No marks or information other than that specified in this part shall appear on or directly adjoining this label except that:
A part or publication number identification may be included on this label, as desired by the manufacturer. If a manufacturer elects to use a part or publication number, it must appear in the lower right-hand corner of the label and be set in 6-point type or smaller.
The energy use disclosure labels required by the governments of Canada or Mexico may appear directly adjoining this label, as desired by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer may include the ENERGY STAR logo on the bottom right corner of the label for qualified products. The logo must be 1 inch by 1 inch in size. Only manufacturers that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Energy or the Environmental Protection Agency may add the ENERGY STAR logo to labels on qualifying covered products; such manufacturers may add the ENERGY STAR logo to labels only on those covered products that are contemplated by the Memorandum of Understanding.
Manufacturers of boilers shipped with more than one input nozzle to be installed in the field must label such boilers with the AFUE of the system when it is set up with the nozzle that results in the lowest annual fuel utilization efficiency rating.
Manufacturers that ship out boilers that may be set up as either steam or hot water units must label the boilers with the AFUE rating derived by conducting the required test on the boiler as a hot water unit.
(g) Content of Labels for central air conditioners and heat pumps.
Headlines and texts, as illustrated in the prototype and sample labels in appendix L to this part.
Name of manufacturer or private labeler shall, in the case of a corporation, be deemed to be satisfied only by the actual corporate name, which may be preceded or followed by the name of the particular division of the corporation. In the case of an individual, partnership, or association, the name under which the business is conducted shall be used. Inclusion of the name of the manufacturer or private labeler is optional at the discretion of the manufacturer or private labeler.
The seasonal energy efficiency ratio for the cooling function of central air conditioners is determined in accordance with § 305.5. For the heating function, the heating seasonal performance factor shall be calculated for heating Region IV for the standardized design heating requirement nearest the capacity measured in the High Temperature Test in accordance with § 305.5. In addition, the energy efficiency rating(s) for split system condenser-evaporator coil combinations shall be either:
The energy efficiency rating of the condenser-evaporator coil combination that is the particular manufacturer's most commonly sold combination for that condenser model; or
The energy efficiency rating of the actual condenser-evaporator coil combination comprising the system to which the label is to be attached.
Each cooling only central air conditioner label shall contain a range of comparability consisting of the lowest and highest seasonal energy efficiency ratios for all cooling only central air conditioners.
Each heat pump label, except as noted in paragraph (g)(4)(iii) of this section, shall contain two ranges of comparability. The first range shall consist of the lowest and highest seasonal energy efficiency ratios for the cooling side of all heat pumps. The second range shall consist of the lowest and highest heating seasonal performance factors for the heating side of all heat pumps.
Each heating only heat pump label shall contain a range of comparability consisting of the lowest and highest heating seasonal performance factors for all heating only heat pumps.
Placement of the labeled product on the scale shall be proportionate to the lowest and highest efficiency ratings forming the scale.
The following statement shall appear on the label beneath the range(s) in bold print (fill in the blank the appropriate unit type):
All labels on split system condenser units disclosing energy efficiency ratings for the “most common” condenser-evaporator coil combinations must contain one of the following three statements:
For labels disclosing the seasonal energy efficiency ratio for cooling, the statement should read:
For labels disclosing both the seasonal energy efficiency ratio for cooling and the heating seasonal performance factor for heating, the statement should read:
For labels disclosing the heating seasonal performance factor for heating, the statement should read:
Central air conditioner labels disclosing the efficiency ratings for specific condenser/coil combinations do not have to contain any of the above three statements.
The following statement shall appear at the top of the label as illustrated in the sample labels in appendix L:
No marks or information other than that specified in this part shall appear on or directly adjoining this label except that:
A part or publication number identification may be included on this label, as desired by the manufacturer. If a manufacturer elects to use a part or publication number, it must appear in the lower right-hand corner of the label and be set in 6-point type or smaller.
The energy use disclosure labels required by the governments of Canada or Mexico may appear directly adjoining this label, as desired by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer may include the ENERGY STAR logo on the bottom right corner of the label for qualified products. The logo must be 1 inch by 1 inch in size. Only manufacturers that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Energy or the Environmental Protection Agency may add the ENERGY STAR logo to labels on qualifying covered products; such manufacturers may add the ENERGY STAR logo to labels only on those covered products that are contemplated by the Memorandum of Understanding.
Code of Federal Regulations
[72 FR 49969, Aug. 29, 2007]