The required information shall be set out on the label in a legible manner and in not smaller than pica or twelve (12) point type, and all parts of the required information shall be set out in letters of equal size and conspicuousness. All of the required information with respect to the fur product shall be set out on one side of the label and no other information shall appear on such side except the lot or style designation and size. The lot or style designation may include non-deceptive terms indicating the type of garment, color of fur, and brand name for fur. The other side of the label may be used to set out any nonrequired information which is true and non-deceptive and which is not prohibited by the Act and regulations, but in all cases the animal name used shall be that set out in the Name Guide.
The required information may be set out in hand printing provided it conforms to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, and is set out in indelible ink in a clear, distinct, legible and conspicuous manner. Handwriting shall not be used in setting out any of the required information on the label.
Code of Federal Regulations
[17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR 3187, Apr. 14, 1961]