Words, coined words, symbols, or depictions which constitute or imply the name or designation of a fiber which is not present in the product shall not appear on labels. Any word or coined word which is phonetically similar to the name or designation of a fiber or which is only a slight variation in spelling from the name or designation of a fiber shall not be used in such a manner as to represent or imply that such fiber is present in the product when the fiber is not present as represented.
Where a word, coined word, symbol or depiction which connotes or implies the presence of a fiber is used on any label, whether required or nonrequired, a full and complete fiber content disclosure with percentages shall be made on such label in accordance with the Act and regulations.
Code of Federal Regulations
[29 FR 6626, May 21, 1964, as amended at 50 FR 15106, Apr. 17, 1985. Redesignated at 63 FR 7517, Feb. 13, 1998]