The projected passenger revenue for a carrier providing essential air service at an eligible place will be calculated by multiplying the following:
A reasonable projected net fare, which is the standard fare expected to be charged for service between the eligible place and the designated hub less any dilution caused by joint fare arrangements, discount fares that it offers, or prorates of fares for through one-line passengers; and
The traffic (including both local and beyond traffic) projected to flow between the eligible place and the designated hub or hubs, which is based on the carrier's own estimates, Department estimates, and on traffic levels in the market at issue when such data are available.
The reasonableness of a carrier's passenger revenue projections will be evaluated by:
Comparing the carrier's proposed fare with the fare charged in other city-pair markets of similar distances and traffic densities; and
Comparing the carrier's proposed pricing structure with historical pricing practices in the market at issue, with the pricing practices of that carrier in other markets, and with any standard industry pricing guidelines that may be available.
An estimate of freight and other transport-related revenue will be included as a component of projected revenues and will be based on recent experience in the market involved and on the experience of the carrier involved in other markets.
Code of Federal Regulations
[ER-1398, 49 FR 49846, Dec. 24, 1984, as amended at 60 FR 43524, Aug. 22, 1995]