Each carrier that has been named a party to a pending mail rate case shall retain all records remaining in its custody as of the beginning of an “open mail rate period” until the occurrence of one of the following contingencies, whichever is first:
Final adjudication of a DOT order fixing the final mail compensation payable for services rendered during an “open mail rate period.”
Receipt of a notice issued by the Director, Office of Airline Information in response to a written application filed by the carrier, authorizing the destruction of specifically identified categories of records. An application should be filed when the carrier believes that certain categories of records are not relevant to the proper processing of a pending mail proceeding. The application should list those categories of records which the carrier wants to destroy and its reasons for believing that the records are not necessary or useful in determining its satutory mail pay.
Each carrier shall preserve records supporting the computation of subsidy mail pay in accordance with the provisions of § 249.20 unless the carrier has been advised that these computations are subject to further review and disposition by the Board. When the DOT is still reviewing the compensation amount after expiration of the normal retention period specified in § 249.20, these records must be retained until the carrier is notified by the Director, Office of Airline Information, that the records may be destroyed.
Each carrier that has been named a party to an enforcement proceeding or against whom a third-party complaint has been filed shall retain all records relating to the case until the receipt of formal notification from the Director, Office of Airline Information, following a written application from the carrier, which authorizes the destruction of these records.
Each carrier that has been named a party to a pending case which is not of a type discussed in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, shall preserve all records according to the provisions of § 249.20 unless the Director, Office of Airline Information, notifies the carrier in writing that specific records shall be preserved until final adjudication of the pending case.
Each carrier that is a party to litigation in a Federal court of which the DOT is also a party shall retain all records relating to the case until the receipt of formal notification from the Director, Office of Airline Information, following a written application from the carrier, which authorizes the destruction of these records.
Code of Federal Regulations
[ER-1214, 46 FR 25415, May 6, 1981, as amended at 60 FR 66725, Dec. 26, 1995]