In the exercise of the authority granted by section 407(e) of the Act, the authority of any special agent or auditor to inspect and examine lands, buildings, equipment, accounts, records, memorandums, papers or correspondence shall include the authority to make such notes and copies thereof as he deems appropriate.
The term “special agent” and “auditor” are construed to mean any employee of the Bureau of Enforcement and any other employee of the Board specifically designated by it or by the Director, Office of Facilities and Operations.
The issuance in the form set forth below of an identification card and credentials to any such employee shall be construed to be an order and direction of the Board to such individual to inspect and examine lands, buildings, equipment, accounts, records, and memorandums in accordance with the authority conferred on the Board by the Act.
Code of Federal Regulations
(Secs. 204, 407, 701, 72 Stat. 743;
49 U.S.C. 1324, 1377, 1441
Code of Federal Regulations
[ER-822, 38 FR 26601, Sept. 24, 1973, as amended by ER-914, 40 FR 27017, June 26, 1975; ER-941, 40 FR 58850, Dec. 19, 1975]