For each transport category airplane type certificated after January 1, 1958:
Each Class C or Class D compartment, as defined in § 25.857 of this Chapter in effect on June 16, 1986 (see Appendix L to this part), that is greater than 200 cubic feet in volume must have ceiling and sidewall liner panels which are constructed of:
Glass fiber reinforced resin;
Materials which meet the test requirements of part 25, appendix F, part III of this chapter; or
In the case of liner installations approved prior to March 20, 1989, aluminum.
For compliance with paragraph (a) of this section, the term “liner” includes any design feature, such as a joint or fastener, which would affect the capability of the liner to safely contain a fire.
After March 19, 2001, each Class D compartment, regardless of volume, must meet the standards of §§ 25.857(c) and 25.858 of this Chapter for a Class C compartment unless the operation is an all-cargo operation in which case each Class D compartment may meet the standards in § 25.857(e) for a Class E compartment.
(d) Reports of conversions and retrofits.
Until such time as all Class D compartments in aircraft operated under this part by the certificate have been converted or retrofitted with appropriate detection and suppression systems, each certificate holder must submit written progress reports to the FAA that contain the information specified below.
The serial number of each airplane listed in the operations specifications issued to the certificate holder for operation under this part in which all Class D compartments have been converted to Class C or Class E compartments;
The serial number of each airplane listed in the operations specification issued to the certificate holder for operation under this part, in which all Class D compartments have been retrofitted to meet the fire detection and suppression requirements for Class C or the fire detection requirements for Class E; and
The serial number of each airplane listed in the operations specifications issued to the certificate holder for operation under this part that has at least one Class D compartment that has not been converted or retrofitted.
The written report must be submitted to the Certificate Holding District Office by July 1, 1998, and at each three-month interval thereafter.
Code of Federal Regulations
[Doc. No. 28937, 63 FR 8049, Feb. 17, 1998]