130.620—Revisions and amendments to cooperative agreement.
(a) Requests for revisions.
The recipient organization may request at any time one or more revisions to the Cooperative Agreement on an appropriate SBA form signed by the recipient organization's authorized representative (including a revised budget and budget narrative, if applicable). Revisions will normally relate to changes in scope, work or funding during the specified budget year.
(b) Revisions which require amendment to Cooperative Agreement.
The Cooperative Agreement shall list the revisions which require Project Officer concurrence, review by the Program Manager and the Grants Management Specialist, approval of the AA/SBDCs and amendment of the Cooperative Agreement. No application for an amendment shall be effective until it is approved and incorporated into the Cooperative Agreement. Revisions which require amendments shall include:
Any change in project scope or objectives;
The addition or deletion of any subgrants or contracts;
The addition of any new budget line items;
Budget revisions and fund reallocations exceeding the limit established by applicable administrative regulations or OMB Circulars, either individually or in the aggregate (see paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section);
Any proposed sole-source or one-bid contracts exceeding the limits established by applicable regulations or OMB Circulars; and
The carryover from one budget period to the next budget period of unobligated, unexpended SBA funds allocable under the Cooperative Agreement to nonrecurring, nonseverable bona fide needs of the SBDC network as provided in applicable OMB Circulars and the annual Program Announcement.
(c) Revisions which do not require amendments to the Cooperative Agreement—
(1) Budget revisions.
Any budget revision, except those which are covered by paragraph (b)(4) of this section. Budget revisions require approval of the SBA Project Officer and the AA/SBDCs as prescribed by applicable OMB Circulars or 13 CFR 143.30.
(2) Reallocation of funds.
Reallocation of funds must be conducted in accordance with applicable OMB Circulars or 13 CFR 143.30. Additional guidance on this matter may be included in the annual Program Announcement.