NAICS codes | NAICS U.S. industry title | Size standards in millions of dollars | Size standards in number of employees |
Sector 11—Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting | |||
Subsector 111—Crop Production | |||
111110 | Soybean Farming | $0.75 | |
111120 | Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming | $0.75 | |
111130 | Dry Pea and Bean Farming | $0.75 | |
111140 | Wheat Farming | $0.75 | |
111150 | Corn Farming | $0.75 | |
111160 | Rice Farming | $0.75 | |
111191 | Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming | $0.75 | |
111199 | All Other Grain Farming | $0.75 | |
111211 | Potato Farming | $0.75 | |
111219 | Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming | $0.75 | |
111310 | Orange Groves | $0.75 | |
111320 | Citrus (except Orange) Groves | $0.75 | |
111331 | Apple Orchards | $0.75 | |
111332 | Grape Vineyards | $0.75 | |
111333 | Strawberry Farming | $0.75 | |
111334 | Berry (except Strawberry) Farming | $0.75 | |
111335 | Tree Nut Farming | $0.75 | |
111336 | Fruit and Tree Nut Combination Farming | $0.75 | |
111339 | Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming | $0.75 | |
111411 | Mushroom Production | $0.75 | |
111419 | Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover | $0.75 | |
111421 | Nursery and Tree Production | $0.75 | |
111422 | Floriculture Production | $0.75 | |
111910 | Tobacco Farming | $0.75 | |
111920 | Cotton Farming | $0.75 | |
111930 | Sugarcane Farming | $0.75 | |
111940 | Hay Farming | $0.75 | |
111991 | Sugar Beet Farming | $0.75 | |
111992 | Peanut Farming | $0.75 | |
111998 | All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming | $0.75 | |
Subsector 112—Animal Production | |||
Code of Federal Regulations
112111 | Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming | $0.75 | |
112112 | Cattle Feedlots | $2.00 | |
112120 | Dairy Cattle and Milk Production | $0.75 | |
112210 | Hog and Pig Farming | $0.75 | |
112310 | Chicken Egg Production | $12.5 | |
112320 | Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production | $0.75 | |
112330 | Turkey Production | $0.75 | |
112340 | Poultry Hatcheries | $0.75 | |
112390 | Other Poultry Production | $0.75 | |
112410 | Sheep Farming | $0.75 | |
112420 | Goat Farming | $0.75 | |
112511 | Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries | $0.75 | |
112512 | Shellfish Farming | $0.75 | |
112519 | Other Aquaculture | $0.75 | |
112910 | Apiculture | $0.75 | |
112920 | Horse and Other Equine Production | $0.75 | |
112930 | Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production | $0.75 | |
112990 | All Other Animal Production | $0.75 | |
Subsector 113—Forestry and Logging | |||
113110 | Timber Tract Operations | $7.0 | |
113210 | Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products | $7.0 | |
113310 | Logging | 500 | |
Subsector 114—Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | |||
114111 | Finfish Fishing | $4.0 | |
114112 | Shellfish Fishing | $4.0 | |
114119 | Other Marine Fishing | $4.0 | |
114210 | Hunting and Trapping | $4.0 | |
Subsector 115—Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | |||
115111 | Cotton Ginning | $7.0 | |
115112 | Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating | $7.0 | |
115113 | Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine | $7.0 | |
115114 | Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) | $7.0 | |
115115 | Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders | $7.0 | |
115116 | Farm Management Services | $7.0 | |
115210 | Support Activities for Animal Production | $7.0 | |
115310 | Support Activities for Forestry | $7.0 | |
Except, | Forest Fire Suppression 17 | 17 $17.5 | |
Except, | Fuels Management Services 17 | 17 $17.5 | |
Sector 21—Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction | |||
Subsector 211—Oil and Gas Extraction | |||
211111 | Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction | 500 | |
211112 | Natural Gas Liquid Extraction | 500 | |
Subsector 212—Mining (except Oil and Gas) | |||
212111 | Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining | 500 | |
212112 | Bituminous Coal Underground Mining | 500 | |
212113 | Anthracite Mining | 500 | |
212210 | Iron Ore Mining | 500 | |
212221 | Gold Ore Mining | 500 | |
212222 | Silver Ore Mining | 500 | |
212231 | Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining | 500 | |
212234 | Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining | 500 | |
212291 | Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining | 500 | |
212299 | All Other Metal Ore Mining | 500 | |
212311 | Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying | 500 | |
212312 | Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying | 500 | |
212313 | Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying | 500 | |
212319 | Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying | 500 | |
212321 | Construction Sand and Gravel Mining | 500 | |
212322 | Industrial Sand Mining | 500 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
212324 | Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining | 500 | |
212325 | Clay and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining | 500 | |
212391 | Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining | 500 | |
212392 | Phosphate Rock Mining | 500 | |
212393 | Other Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining | 500 | |
212399 | All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining | 500 | |
Subsector 213—Support Activities for Mining | |||
213111 | Drilling Oil and Gas Wells | 500 | |
213112 | Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations | $7.0 | |
213113 | Support Activities for Coal Mining | $7.0 | |
213114 | Support Activities for Metal Mining | $7.0 | |
213115 | Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) | $7.0 | |
Sector 22—Utilities | |||
Subsector 221—Utilities | |||
221111 | Hydroelectric Power Generation | See footnote 1 | |
221112 | Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation | See footnote 1 | |
221113 | Nuclear Electric Power Generation | See footnote 1 | |
221119 | Other Electric Power Generation | See footnote 1 | |
221121 | Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control | See footnote 1 | |
221122 | Electric Power Distribution | See footnote 1 | |
221210 | Natural Gas Distribution | 500 | |
221310 | Water Supply and Irrigation Systems | $7.0 | |
221320 | Sewage Treatment Facilities | $7.0 | |
221330 | Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | $12.5 | |
Sector 23—Construction | |||
Subsector 236—Construction of Buildings | |||
236115 | New Single-Family Housing Construction (except Operative Builders) | $33.5 | |
236116 | New Multifamily Housing Construction (except Operative Builders) | $33.5 | |
236117 | New Housing Operative Builders | $33.5 | |
236118 | Residential Remodelers | $33.5 | |
236210 | Industrial Building Construction | $33.5 | |
236220 | Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | $33.5 | |
Subsector 237—Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | |||
237110 | Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction | $33.5 | |
237120 | Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction | $33.5 | |
237130 | Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction | $33.5 | |
237210 | Land Subdivision | $7.0 | |
237310 | Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction | $33.5 | |
237990 | Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | $33.5 | |
Except, | Dredging and Surface Cleanup Activities 2 | 2 $20.0 | |
Subsector 238—Specialty Trade Contractors | |||
238110 | Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | $14.0 | |
238120 | Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | $14.0 | |
238130 | Framing Contractors | $14.0 | |
238140 | Masonry Contractors | $14.0 | |
238150 | Glass and Glazing Contractors | $14.0 | |
238160 | Roofing Contractors | $14.0 | |
238170 | Siding Contractors | $14.0 | |
238190 | Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | $14.0 | |
238210 | Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | $14.0 | |
238220 | Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | $14.0 | |
238290 | Other Building Equipment Contractors | $14.0 | |
238310 | Drywall and Insulation Contractors | $14.0 | |
238320 | Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | $14.0 | |
238330 | Flooring Contractors | $14.0 | |
238340 | Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | $14.0 | |
238350 | Finish Carpentry Contractors | $14.0 | |
238390 | Other Building Finishing Contractors | $14.0 | |
238910 | Site Preparation Contractors | $14.0 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
238990 | All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | $14.0 | |
Except, | Building and Property Specialty Trade Services 13 | 13 $14.0 | |
Sectors 31-33—Manufacturing | |||
Subsector 311—Food Manufacturing | |||
311111 | Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
311119 | Other Animal Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
311211 | Flour Milling | 500 | |
311212 | Rice Milling | 500 | |
311213 | Malt Manufacturing | 500 | |
311221 | Wet Corn Milling | 750 | |
311222 | Soybean Processing | 500 | |
311223 | Other Oilseed Processing | 1,000 | |
311225 | Fats and Oils Refining and Blending | 1,000 | |
311230 | Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing | 1,000 | |
311311 | Sugarcane Mills | 500 | |
311312 | Cane Sugar Refining | 750 | |
311313 | Beet Sugar Manufacturing | 750 | |
311320 | Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans | 500 | |
311330 | Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate | 500 | |
311340 | Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing | 500 | |
311411 | Frozen Fruit, Juice and Vegetable Manufacturing | 500 | |
311412 | Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
311421 | Fruit and Vegetable Canning 3 | 3 500 | |
311422 | Specialty Canning | 1,000 | |
311423 | Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
311511 | Fluid Milk Manufacturing | 500 | |
311512 | Creamery Butter Manufacturing | 500 | |
311513 | Cheese Manufacturing | 500 | |
311514 | Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing | 500 | |
311520 | Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing | 500 | |
311611 | Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering | 500 | |
311612 | Meat Processed from Carcasses | 500 | |
311613 | Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing | 500 | |
311615 | Poultry Processing | 500 | |
311711 | Seafood Canning | 500 | |
311712 | Fresh and Frozen Seafood Processing | 500 | |
311811 | Retail Bakeries | 500 | |
311812 | Commercial Bakeries | 500 | |
311813 | Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing | 500 | |
311821 | Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing | 750 | |
311822 | Flour Mixes and Dough Manufacturing from Purchased Flour | 500 | |
311823 | Dry Pasta Manufacturing | 500 | |
311830 | Tortilla Manufacturing | 500 | |
311911 | Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing | 500 | |
311919 | Other Snack Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
311920 | Coffee and Tea Manufacturing | 500 | |
311930 | Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing | 500 | |
311941 | Mayonnaise, Dressing and Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing | 500 | |
311942 | Spice and Extract Manufacturing | 500 | |
311991 | Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
311999 | All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing | 500 | |
Subsector 312—Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | |||
312111 | Soft Drink Manufacturing | 500 | |
312112 | Bottled Water Manufacturing | 500 | |
312113 | Ice Manufacturing | 500 | |
312120 | Breweries | 500 | |
312130 | Wineries | 500 | |
312140 | Distilleries | 750 | |
312210 | Tobacco Stemming and Redrying | 500 | |
312221 | Cigarette Manufacturing | 1,000 | |
312229 | Other Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 500 | |
Subsector 313—Textile Mills | |||
313111 | Yarn Spinning Mills | 500 | |
313112 | Yarn Texturizing, Throwing and Twisting Mills | 500 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
313113 | Thread Mills | 500 | |
313210 | Broadwoven Fabric Mills | 1,000 | |
313221 | Narrow Fabric Mills | 500 | |
313222 | Schiffli Machine Embroidery | 500 | |
313230 | Nonwoven Fabric Mills | 500 | |
313241 | Weft Knit Fabric Mills | 500 | |
313249 | Other Knit Fabric and Lace Mills | 500 | |
313311 | Broadwoven Fabric Finishing Mills | 1,000 | |
313312 | Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills | 500 | |
313320 | Fabric Coating Mills | 1,000 | |
Subsector 314—Textile Product Mills | |||
314110 | Carpet and Rug Mills | 500 | |
314121 | Curtain and Drapery Mills | 500 | |
314129 | Other Household Textile Product Mills | 500 | |
314911 | Textile Bag Mills | 500 | |
314912 | Canvas and Related Product Mills | 500 | |
314991 | Rope, Cordage and Twine Mills | 500 | |
314992 | Tire Cord and Tire Fabric Mills | 1,000 | |
314999 | All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills | 500 | |
Subsector 315—Apparel Manufacturing | |||
315111 | Sheer Hosiery Mills | 500 | |
315119 | Other Hosiery and Sock Mills | 500 | |
315191 | Outerwear Knitting Mills | 500 | |
315192 | Underwear and Nightwear Knitting Mills | 500 | |
315211 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 500 | |
315212 | Women's, Girls', and Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 500 | |
315221 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Underwear and Nightwear Manufacturing | 500 | |
315222 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Suit, Coat and Overcoat Manufacturing | 500 | |
315223 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Shirt (except Work Shirt) Manufacturing | 500 | |
315224 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Trouser, Slack and Jean Manufacturing | 500 | |
315225 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Work Clothing Manufacturing | 500 | |
315228 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Other Outerwear Manufacturing | 500 | |
315231 | Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Lingerie, Loungewear and Nightwear Manufacturing | 500 | |
315232 | Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Blouse and Shirt Manufacturing | 500 | |
315233 | Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Dress Manufacturing | 500 | |
315234 | Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Suit, Coat, Tailored Jacket and Skirt Manufacturing | 500 | |
315239 | Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Other Outerwear Manufacturing | 500 | |
315291 | Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing | 500 | |
315292 | Fur and Leather Apparel Manufacturing | 500 | |
315299 | All Other Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing | 500 | |
315991 | Hat, Cap and Millinery Manufacturing | 500 | |
315992 | Glove and Mitten Manufacturing | 500 | |
315993 | Men's and Boys' Neckwear Manufacturing | 500 | |
315999 | Other Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing | 500 | |
Subsector 316—Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing | |||
316110 | Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing | 500 | |
316211 | Rubber and Plastics Footwear Manufacturing | 1,000 | |
316212 | H