108.1240—Funding of NMVC Company's draw request through sale to third-party.
(a) NMVC Company's authorization of SBA to arrange sale of securities to third-party.
By submitting a request for a draw of Debenture Leverage, you authorize SBA, or any agent or trustee SBA designates, to enter into any agreements (and to bind you to such agreements) necessary to accomplish:
The sale of your Debenture to a third-party at a rate approved by SBA; and
The purchase of your security from the third-party and the pooling of your security with other securities with the same maturity date.
(b) Sale of Debentures to a third-party.
If SBA arranges for the sale of your Debenture to a third-party, the sale price may be an amount discounted from the face amount of the Debenture.