For each of your Loans and Investments, you must have the documents listed in this section. You must keep these documents in your files and make them available to SBA upon request.
SBA Form 480, the Size Status Declaration, executed both by you and by the concern you are financing. By executing this document, both parties certify that the concern is a Small Business. For securities purchased from an underwriter in a public offering, you may substitute a prospectus showing that the concern is a Small Business.
SBA Form 652, a certification by the concern you are financing that it will not illegally discriminate (see part 112 of this chapter ).
SBA Form 1941 (for Section 301(d) Licensees only), executed both by you and by the concern you are financing. By executing this document, both parties certify that the concern is a Disadvantaged Business.
A certification by the concern you are financing of the intended use of the proceeds. For securities purchased from an underwriter in a public offering, you may substitute a prospectus indicating the intended use of proceeds.
For each LMI Investment:
A certification by the concern, dated as of the date of application for SBIC financing, as to the basis for its qualification as an LMI Enterprise,
If the concern qualifies as an LMI Enterprise as defined in paragraph (2) of the definition of LMI Enterprise in § 107.50, an additional certification dated no later than the date 180 days after the closing of the LMI Investment, as to the location of the concern's employees or tangible assets or the principal residences of its full-time employees as of the date of such certification, and
Certification(s) by the SBIC, made contemporaneously with the certification(s) of the concern, that the concern qualifies as an LMI Enterprise as of the date(s) of the concern's certification(s) and the basis for such qualification.
Code of Federal Regulations
[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 52646, Sept. 30, 1999]