(a) Agenda.
The Chairman is responsible for the final order of each meeting agenda. Items shall be placed on the agenda by determination of the Chairman or, at the request of any Board Member, an item will be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting provided that the request is submitted at least ten days in advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting and is accompanied by an NCUA B-1 form and a Board Action Memorandum that states the specific issue(s) or action(s) to be considered by the Board.
(b) Submission of recommended agenda items.
Recommended agenda items may be submitted to the Secretary of the Board by Board members, the Executive Staff (which includes all Office Directors and President of the Central Liquidity Facility), and Regional Directors.
Code of Federal Regulations
[61 FR 55208, Oct. 25, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 64267, Dec. 5, 1997; 63 FR 5859, Feb. 5, 1998]