708b.204—Notice to members of proposal to convert insurance.
When the board of directors of a federally-insured credit union adopts a resolution proposing to convert from federal to nonfederal insurance, including an insurance conversion associated with a merger or conversion of charter, it must provide its members with written notice of the proposal to convert insurance and of the date set for the membership vote. The first written communication following this resolution that is made by or on behalf of the credit union and that informs the members that the credit union will seek conversion of insurance is the notice of the proposal to convert. This notice must:
Inform the members of the requirement for a membership vote and the date for the vote;
Explain that the insurance provided by the NCUA is federal insurance and is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, while the insurance provided by the nonfederal insurer is not guaranteed by the federal or any state government;
Include a conspicuous statement that if the conversion or merger is approved, and the credit union, or the continuing credit union in the case of a merger, subsequently fails, the federal government does not guarantee the member will get his or her money back; and
Be in the form set forth in subpart C of this part, unless the Regional Director approves a different form.
The credit union must deliver the notice in person to each member or mail it to each member at the address for the member as it appears on the records of the credit union, not more than 30 nor less than 7 days before the date for the vote. The credit union must give the membership the opportunity to vote by mail ballot. The form of the ballot must be as set forth in subpart C of this part, unless the Regional Director approves the use of a different form. The notice of the proposal and the ballot may be provided to the members at the same time.
If the membership and the NCUA approve the proposition for conversion of insurance, the credit union will give prompt and reasonable notice to the membership. The credit union must deliver the notice at least 30 days before the effective date of the conversion. The notice must identify the effective date of the conversion, and the first page must also include a conspicuous statement (i.e., in bold and no smaller than any other font size used in the notice) that:
The conversion will result in the loss of federal share insurance, and
The credit union will, at any time before the effective date of conversion, permit all members who have share certificates or other term accounts to close the federally-insured portion of those accounts without an early withdrawal penalty.