706.3—Unfair or deceptive cosigner practices.
(a) Prohibited practices.
In connection with the extension of credit to consumers, it is:
A deceptive act or practice for a Federal credit union, directly or indirectly, to misrepresent the nature or extent of cosigner liability to any person.
An unfair act or practice for a Federal credit union, directly or indirectly, to obligate a cosigner unless the cosigner is informed prior to becoming obligated, which in the case of open-end credit means prior to the time that the agreement creating the cosigner's liability for future charges is executed, of the nature of his or her liability as cosigner.
(b) Disclosure requirement.
To comply with the cosigner information requirement of paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a clear and conspicuous disclosure statement shall be of this section given in writing to the cosigner prior to becoming obligated. The disclosure statement will contain only the following statement, or one which is substantially equivalent, and shall either be a separate document or included in the documents evidencing the consumer credit obligation.
If the notice to cosigner is a separate document, nothing other than the following items may appear with the notice. The following paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (v) may not be part of the narrative portion of the notice to cosigner.
The name and address of the Federal credit union;
An identification of the debt to be cosigned (e.g., a loan identification number);
The amount of the loan;
The date of the loan;
A signature line for a cosigner to acknowledge receipt of the notice; and
To the extent permitted by State law, a cosigner notice required by State law may be included in the notice in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
To the extent the notice to cosigner specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section refers to an action against a cosigner that is not permitted by State law, the notice to cosigner may be modified.