Adjusted trading means any method or transaction whereby a corporate credit union sells a security to a vendor at a price above its current market price and simultaneously purchases or commits to purchase from the vendor another security at a price above its current market price.
Asset-backed security (ABS) means a security that is primarily serviced by the cashflows of a discrete pool of receivables or other financial assets, either fixed or revolving, that by their terms convert into cash within a finite time period plus any rights or other assets designed to assure the servicing or timely distribution of proceeds to the securityholders. This definition excludes mortgage related securities.
Capital means the sum of a corporate credit union's retained earnings, paid-in capital, and membership capital. For a corporate credit union that acquires another credit union in a mutual combination, capital includes the retained earnings of the acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, at the point of acquisition.
Capital ratio means the corporate credit union's capital divided by its moving daily average net assets.
Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) means a multi-class mortgage related security.
Core capital means the sum of a corporate credit union's retained earnings, and paid-in capital. For a corporate credit union that acquires another credit union in a mutual combination, core capital includes the retained earnings of the acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, at the point of acquisition.
Core capital ratio means the corporate credit union's core capital divided by its moving daily average net assets.
Corporate credit union means an organization that:
Is chartered under Federal or state law as a credit union;
Receives shares from and provides loan services to credit unions;
Is operated primarily for the purpose of serving other credit unions;
Is designated by NCUA as a corporate credit union;
Limits natural person members to the minimum required by state or federal law to charter and operate the credit union; and
Does not condition the eligibility of any credit union to become a member on that credit union's membership in any other organization.
Daily average net assets means the average of net assets calculated for each day during the period.
Derivatives means any derivative instrument as defined under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
Dollar roll means the purchase or sale of a mortgage backed security to a counterparty with an agreement to resell or repurchase a substantially identical security at a future date and at a specified price.
Embedded option means a characteristic of certain assets and liabilities which gives the issuer of the instrument the ability to change the features such as final maturity, rate, principal amount and average life. Options include, but are not limited to, calls, caps, and prepayment options.
Exchangeable collateralized mortgage obligation means a class of a collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) that, at the time of purchase, represents beneficial ownership interests in a combination of two or more underlying classes of the same CMO structure. The holder of an exchangeable CMO may pay a fee and take delivery of the underlying classes of the CMO.
Fair value means the amount at which an instrument could be exchanged in a current, arms-length transaction between willing parties, as opposed to a forced or liquidation sale. Quoted market prices in active markets are the best evidence of fair value. If a quoted market price in an active market is not available, fair value may be estimated using a valuation technique that is reasonable and supportable, a quoted market price in an active market for a similar instrument, or a current appraised value. Examples of valuation techniques include the present value of estimated future cash flows, option-pricing models, and option-adjusted spread models. Valuation techniques should incorporate assumptions that market participants would use in their estimates of values, future revenues, and future expenses, including assumptions about interest rates, default, prepayment, and volatility.
Federal funds transaction means a short-term or open-ended unsecured transfer of immediately available funds by one depository institution to another depository institution or entity.
Foreign bank means an institution which is organized under the laws of a country other than the United States, is engaged in the business of banking, and is recognized as a bank by the banking supervisory authority of the country in which it is organized.
Forward settlement of a transaction means settlement on a date later than regular-way settlement.
Immediate family member means a spouse or other family member living in the same household.
Limited liquidity investment means a private placement or funding agreement.
Member reverse repurchase transaction means an integrated transaction in which a corporate credit union purchases a security from one of its member credit unions under agreement by that member credit union to repurchase the same security at a specified time in the future. The corporate credit union then sells that same security, on the same day, to a third party, under agreement to repurchase it on the same date on which the corporate credit union is obligated to return the security to its member credit union.
Membership capital means funds contributed by members that: are adjustable balance with a minimum withdrawal notice of 3 years or are term certificates with a minimum term of 3 years; are available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings and paid-in capital; are not insured by the NCUSIF or other share or deposit insurers; and cannot be pledged against borrowings.
Mortgage related security means a security as defined in section 3(a)(41) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(41), e.g., a privately-issued security backed by mortgages secured by real estate upon which is located a dwelling, mixed residential and commercial structure, residential manufactured home, or commercial structure that is rated in one of the two highest rating categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization.
Moving daily average net assets means the average of daily average net assets exclusive of identifiable intangibles and goodwill for the month being measured and the previous eleven (11) months.
Mutual combination means a transaction or event in which a corporate credit union acquires another credit union, or acquires an integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of being conducted and managed as a credit union.
NCUA means NCUA Board (Board), unless the particular action has been delegated by the Board.
Net assets means total assets less Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) stock subscriptions, CLF loans guaranteed by the NCUSIF, U.S. Central CLF certificates, and member reverse repurchase transactions. For its own account, a corporate credit union's payables under reverse repurchase agreements and receivables under repurchase agreements may be netted out if the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) conditions for offsetting are met.
Net economic value (NEV) means the fair value of assets minus the fair value of liabilities. All fair value calculations must include the value of forward settlements and embedded options. The amortized portion of membership capital and paid-in capital, which do not qualify as capital, are treated as liabilities for purposes of this calculation. The NEV ratio is calculated by dividing NEV by the fair value of assets.
Obligor means the primary party obligated to repay an investment, e.g., the issuer of a security, the taker of a deposit, or the borrower of funds in a federal funds transaction. Obligor does not include an originator of receivables underlying an asset-backed security, the servicer of such receivables, or an insurer of an investment.
Official means any director or committee member.
Paid-in capital means accounts or other interests of a corporate credit union that: are perpetual, non-cumulative dividend accounts; are available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings; are not insured by the NCUSIF or other share or deposit insurers; and cannot be pledged against borrowings.
Pair-off transaction means a security purchase transaction that is closed out or sold at, or prior to, the settlement or expiration date.
Quoted market price means a recent sales price or a price based on current bid and asked quotations.
Regular-way settlement means delivery of a security from a seller to a buyer within the time frame that the securities industry has established for immediate delivery of that type of security. For example, regular-way settlement of a Treasury security includes settlement on the trade date (“cash”), the business day following the trade date (“regular way”), and the second business day following the trade date (“skip day”).
Repurchase transaction means a transaction in which a corporate credit union agrees to purchase a security from a counterparty and to resell the same or any identical security to that counterparty at a specified future date and at a specified price.
Residual interest means the remainder cash flows from a CMO or ABS transaction after payments due bondholders and trust administrative expenses have been satisfied.
Retained earnings means the total of the corporate credit union's undivided earnings, reserves, and any other appropriations designated by management or regulatory authorities. For purposes of this regulation, retained earnings does not include the allowance for loan and lease losses account, accumulated unrealized gains and losses on available for sale securities, or other comprehensive income items.
Retained earnings ratio means the corporate credit union's retained earnings divided by its moving daily average net assets. For a corporate credit union that acquires another credit union in a mutual combination, the numerator of the retained earnings ratio also includes the retained earnings of the acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, at the point of acquisition.
Section 107(8) institution means an institution described in Section 107(8) of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1757(8) ).
Securities lending means lending a security to a counterparty, either directly or through an agent, and accepting collateral in return.
Senior management employee means a chief executive officer, any assistant chief executive officer (e.g., any assistant president, any vice president or any assistant treasurer/manager), and the chief financial officer (controller).
Settlement date means the date originally agreed to by a corporate credit union and a counterparty for settlement of the purchase or sale of a security.
Short sale means the sale of a security not owned by the seller.
Small business related security means a security as defined in section 3(a)(53) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(53) ), e.g., a security that is rated in 1 of the 4 highest rating categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating organization, and represents an interest in 1 or more promissory notes or leases of personal property evidencing the obligation of a small business concern and originated by an insured depository institution, insured credit union, insurance company, or similar institution which is supervised and examined by a Federal or State authority, or a finance company or leasing company. This definition does not include Small Business Administration securities permissible under § 107(7) of the Act.
Stripped mortgage-backed security means a security that represents either the principal or interest only portion of the cash flows of an underlying pool of mortgages.
Trade date means the date a corporate credit union originally agrees, whether orally or in writing, to enter into the purchase or sale of a security.
Weighted average life means the weighted-average time to the return of a dollar of principal, calculated by multiplying each portion of principal received by the time at which it is expected to be received (based on a reasonable and supportable estimate of that time) and then summing and dividing by the total amount of principal.
When-issued trading means the buying and selling of securities in the period between the announcement of an offering and the issuance and payment date of the securities.
Wholesale corporate credit union means a corporate credit union which primarily serves other corporate credit unions.
Code of Federal Regulations
[62 FR 12938, Mar. 19, 1997, as amended at 67 FR 65651, Oct. 25, 2002; 69 FR 39832, July 1, 2004; 73 FR 72692, Dec. 1, 2008]
Code of Federal Regulations
§ 704.2
, Nt.
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Notes:
1. At 75 FR 64826, Oct. 20, 2010, § 704.2 was revised, effective Jan. 18, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
§ 704.2
As used in this part:
Adjusted trading means any method or transaction whereby a corporate credit union sells a security to a vendor at a price above its current market price and simultaneously purchases or commits to purchase from the vendor another security at a price above its current market price.
Code of Federal Regulations
Asset-backed security (ABS) means a security that is primarily serviced by the cashflows of a discrete pool of receivables or other financial assets, either fixed or revolving, that by their terms convert into cash within a finite time period plus any rights or other assets designed to assure the servicing or timely distribution of proceeds to the security holders. Mortgage-backed securities are a type of asset-backed security.
Available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings means that the funds are available to cover operating losses realized, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), by the corporate credit union that exceed retained earnings net of equity acquired in a combination. Likewise, available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings and perpetual contributed capital (PCC) means that the funds are available to cover operating losses realized, in accordance with GAAP, by the corporate credit union that exceed retained earnings net of equity acquired in a combination and PCC. Any such losses must be distributed pro rata at the time the loss is realized first among the holders of paid-in capital (PIC), and when all PIC is exhausted, then pro rata among all MCAs, all subject to the optional prioritization described in appendixA of this Part. To the extent that any contributed capital funds are used to cover losses, the corporate credit union must not restore or replenish the affected capital accounts under any circumstances. In addition, contributed capital that is used to cover losses in a calendar year previous to the year of liquidation has no claim against the liquidation estate.
Capital means the sum of a corporate credit union's retained earnings, paid-in capital, and membership capital. For a corporate credit union that acquires another credit union in a mutual combination, capital includes the retained earnings of the acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, at the point of acquisition.
Capital ratio means the corporate credit union's capital divided by its moving daily average net assets.
Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) means a debt security collateralized by mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, or corporate obligations in the form of loans or debt. Senior tranches of Re-REMIC's consisting of senior mortgage- and asset-backed securities are excluded from this definition.
Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) means a multi-class mortgage-backed security.
Commercial mortgage-backed security (CMBS) means a mortgage-backed security collateralized primarily by multi-family and commercial property loans.
Compensation means all salaries, fees, wages, bonuses, severance payments, current year contributions to employee benefit plans (for example, medical, dental, life insurance, and disability), current year contributions to deferred compensation plans and future severance payments, including payments in connection with a merger or similar combination (whether or not funded; whether or not vested; and whether or not the deferred compensation plan is a qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the IRS Code). Compensation also includes expense accounts and other allowances (for example, the value of the personal use of housing, automobiles or other assets owned by the corporate credit union; expense allowances or reimbursements that recipients must report as income on their separate income tax return; payments made under indemnification arrangements; and payments made for the benefit of friends or relatives). In calculating required compensation disclosures, reasonable estimates may be used if precise cost figures are not readily available.
Contributed capital means either paid-in capital or membership capital accounts.
Core capital means the sum of:
(1) Retained earnings;
(2) Paid-in capital; and
(3) The retained earnings of any acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, calculated at the point of acquisition, if the acquisition was a mutual combination.
Core capital ratio means the corporate credit union's core capital divided by its moving daily average net assets.
Corporate credit union means an organization that:
(1) Is chartered under Federal or state law as a credit union;
(2) Receives shares from and provides loan services to credit unions;
(3) Is operated primarily for the purpose of serving other credit unions;
(4) Is designated by NCUA as a corporate credit union;
(5) Limits natural person members to the minimum required by state or federal law to charter and operate the credit union; and
(6) Does not condition the eligibility of any credit union to become a member on that credit union's membership in any other organization.
Daily average net assets means the average of net assets calculated for each day during the period.
Derivatives means a financial contract whose value is derived from the values of one or more underlying assets, reference rates, or indices of asset values or reference rates. Derivative contracts include interest rate derivative contracts, exchange rate derivative contracts, equity derivative contracts, commodity derivative contracts, credit derivative contracts, and any other instrument that poses similar counterparty credit risks.
Code of Federal Regulations
Dollar roll means the purchase or sale of a mortgage-backed security to a counterparty with an agreement to resell or repurchase a substantially identical security at a future date and at a specified price.
Embedded option means a characteristic of certain assets and liabilities which gives the issuer of the instrument the ability to change the features such as final maturity, rate, principal amount and average life. Options include, but are not limited to, calls, caps, and prepayment options.
Equity investments means investments in real property, equity securities, and any other ownership interests, including, for example, investments in partnerships and limited liability companies.
Equity security means any security representing an ownership interest in an enterprise (for example, common, preferred, or other capital stock) or the right to acquire (for example, warrants and call options) or dispose of (for example, put options) an ownership interest in an enterprise at fixed or determinable prices. However, the term does not include convertible debt or preferred stock that by its terms either must be redeemed by the issuing enterprise or is redeemable at the option of the investor.
Exchangeable collateralized mortgage obligation means a class of a collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) that, at the time of purchase, represents beneficial ownership interests in a combination of two or more underlying classes of the same CMO structure. The holder of an exchangeable CMO may pay a fee and take delivery of the underlying classes of the CMO.
Fair value means the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. If there is a principal market for the asset or liability, the fair value measurement is the price in that market (whether that price is directly observable or otherwise determined using a valuation technique), even if the price in a different market is potentially more advantageous at the measurement date. In the absence of a principal market, the fair value measurement occurs in the most advantageous market for the asset or liability. The fair value of the asset or liability shall be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. In developing those assumptions, the corporate need not identify specific market participants. Rather, the corporate should identify characteristics that distinguish market participants generally, considering factors specific to all of the following: the asset or liability; the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability; and market participants with whom the corporate would transact in that market. To increase consistency and comparability in fair value measurements and related disclosures, the fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value into three broad levels. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3). Examples of valuation techniques include the present value of estimated future cash flows, option-pricing models, and option-adjusted spread models.
Federal funds transaction means a short-term or open-ended unsecured transfer of immediately available funds by one depository institution to another depository institution or entity.
Foreign bank means an institution which is organized under the laws of a country other than the United States, is engaged in the business of banking, and is recognized as a bank by the banking supervisory authority of the country in which it is organized.
Immediate family member means a spouse or other family member living in the same household.
Limited liquidity investment means a private placement or funding agreement.
Member reverse repurchase transaction means an integrated transaction in which a corporate credit union purchases a security from one of its member credit unions under agreement by that member credit union to repurchase the same security at a specified time in the future. The corporate credit union then sells that same security, on the same day, to a third party, under agreement to repurchase it on the same date on which the corporate credit union is obligated to return the security to its member credit union.
Membership capital means funds contributed by members that: are adjustable balance with a minimum withdrawal notice of 3 years or are term certificates with a minimum term of 3 years; are available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings and paid-in capital; are not insured by the NCUSIF or other share or deposit insurers; and cannot be pledged against borrowings.
Mortgage-backed security (MBS) means a security backed by first or second mortgages secured by real estate upon which is located a dwelling, mixed residential and commercial structure, residential manufactured home, or commercial structure.
Moving daily average net assets means the average of daily average net assets for the month being measured and the previous eleven (11) months.
Mutual combination means a transaction or event in which a corporate credit union acquires another credit union, or acquires an integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of being conducted and managed as a credit union.
Code of Federal Regulations
Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) means any entity that has applied for, and been granted permission to be considered an NRSRO by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
NCUA means NCUA Board (Board), unless the particular action has been delegated by the Board.
Net assets means total assets less loans guaranteed by the NCUSIF and member reverse repurchase transactions. For its own account, a corporate credit union's payables under reverse repurchase agreements and receivables under repurchase agreements may be netted out if the GAAP conditions for offsetting are met.
Net economic value (NEV) means the fair value of assets minus the fair value of liabilities. All fair value calculations must include the value of forward settlements and embedded options. Paid-in capital, and the unamortized portion of membership capital, that is, the portion that qualifies as capital for purposes of any of the total capital ratio, is excluded from liabilities for purposes of this calculation. The NEV ratio is calculated by dividing NEV by the fair value of assets.
Net interest margin security means a security collateralized by residual interests in collateralized mortgage obligations, residual interests in real estate mortgage investment conduits, or residual interests in other asset-backed securities.
Obligor means the primary party obligated to repay an investment, e.g., the issuer of a security, such as a Qualified Special Purpose Entity (QSPE) trust; the taker of a deposit; or the borrower of funds in a federal funds transaction. Obligor does not include an originator of receivables underlying an asset-backed security, the servicer of such receivables, or an insurer of an investment.
Official means any director or committee member.
Paid-in capital means accounts or other interests of a corporate credit union that: are perpetual, non-cumulative dividend accounts; are available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings; are not insured by the NCUSIF or other share or deposit insurers; and cannot be pledged against borrowings.
Pair-off transaction means a security purchase transaction that is closed out or sold at, or prior to, the settlement or expiration date.
Private label security means a security that is not issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies, or its government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs).
Quoted market price means a recent sales price or a price based on current bid and asked quotations.
Repurchase transaction means a transaction in which a corporate credit union agrees to purchase a security from a counterparty and to resell the same or any identical security to that counterparty at a specified future date and at a specified price.
Residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS) means a mortgage-backed security collateralized primarily by mortgage loans on residential properties.
Residential properties means houses, condominiums, cooperative units, and manufactured homes. This definition does not include boats or motor homes, even if used as a primary residence, or timeshare properties.
Residual interest means the ownership interest in remainder cash flows from a CMO or ABS transaction after payments due bondholders and trust administrative expenses have been satisfied.
Retained earnings means retained earnings as defined under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
Retained earnings ratio means the corporate credit union's retained earnings divided by its moving daily average net assets. For a corporate credit union that acquires another credit union in a mutual combination, the numerator of the retained earnings ratio also includes the retained earnings of the acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, at the point of acquisition.
Section 107(8) institution means an institution described in Section 107(8) of the Federal Credit Union Act (
12 U.S.C. 1757(8)
Securities lending means lending a security to a counterparty, either directly or through an agent, and accepting collateral in return.
Senior executive officer mean a chief executive officer, any assistant chief executive officer (e.g., any assistant president, any vice president or any assistant treasurer/manager), and the chief financial officer (controller). This term also includes employees of any entity hired to perform the functions described above.
Settlement date means the date originally agreed to by a corporate credit union and a counterparty for settlement of the purchase or sale of a security.
Short sale means the sale of a security not owned by the seller.
Small business related security means a security that is rated in 1 of the 4 highest rating categories by at least one Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO), and represents an interest in one or more promissory notes or leases of personal property evidencing the obligation of a small business concern and originated by an insured depository institution, insured credit union, insurance company, or similar institution which is supervised and examined by a Federal or State authority, or a finance company or leasing company. This definition does not include Small Business Administration securities permissible under § 107(7) of the Act.
Code of Federal Regulations
State means any one of the several states of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the territories and possessions of the United States.
Stripped mortgage-backed security means a security that represents either the principal-only or interest-only portion of the cash flows of an underlying pool of mortgages.
Subordinated security means a security that, at the time of purchase, has a junior claim on the underlying collateral or assets to other securities in the same issuance. If a security is junior only to money market fund eligible securities in the same issuance, the former security is not subordinated for purposes of this definition.
Total assets means the sum of all a corporate credit union's assets as calculated under GAAP.
Total capital means the sum of a corporate credit union's core capital and its membership capital accounts.
Trade date means the date a corporate credit union originally agrees, whether orally or in writing, to enter into the purchase or sale of a security.
Trigger means an event in a securitization that will redirect cash-flows if predefined thresholds are breached. Examples of triggers are delinquency and cumulative loss triggers.
Weighted average life means the weighted-average time to the return of a dollar of principal, calculated by multiplying each portion of principal received by the time at which it is expected to be received (based on a reasonable and supportable estimate of that time) and then summing and dividing by the total amount of principal. The calculation of weighted average life for interest only securities means the weighted-average time to the return of a dollar of interest, calculated by multiplying each portion of interest received by the time at which it is expected to be received (based on a reasonable and supportable estimate of that time) and then summing and dividing by the total amount of interest to be received.
When-issued trading means the buying and selling of securities in the period between the announcement of an offering and the issuance and payment date of the securities.
2. At 75 FR 64829, Oct. 20, 2010, § 704.2
was revised, effective Oct. 20, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
§ 704.2
As used in this part:
Adjusted core capital means core capital modified as follows:
(1) Deduct an amount equal to the amount of the corporate credit union's intangible assets that exceed one half percent of the corporate credit union's moving daily average net assets, but the NCUA, on its own initiative, upon petition by the applicable state regulator, or upon application from a corporate credit union, may direct that a particular corporate credit union add some or all of these excess intangibles back to the credit union's adjusted core capital;
(2) Deduct investments, both equity and debt, in unconsolidated credit union service organizations (CUSOs);
(3) If the corporate credit union, on or after October 20, 2011, contributes any perpetual contributed capital (PCC), or maintains any NCAs, at another corporate credit union, deduct an amount equal to this PCC or NCA;
(4) Beginning on October 20, 2016, and ending on October 20, 2020, deduct any amount of perpetual contributed capital (PCC) that causes PCC minus retained earnings, all divided by moving daily net average assets, to exceed two percent; and
(5) Beginning after October 20, 2020, deduct any amount of PCC that causes PCC to exceed retained earnings.
Adjusted trading means any method or transaction whereby a corporate credit union sells a security to a vendor at a price above its current market price and simultaneously purchases or commits to purchase from the vendor another security at a price above its current market price.
Applicable state regulator means the prudential state regulator of a state chartered corporate credit union.
Asset-backed commercial paper program (ABCP program) means a program that primarily issues commercial paper that has received a credit rating from an NRSRO and that is backed by assets or other exposures held in a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity. The term sponsor of an ABCP program means a corporate credit union that:
(1) Establishes an ABCP program;
(2) Approves the sellers permitted to participate in an ABCP program;
(3) Approves the asset pools to be purchased by an ABCP program; or
(4) Administers the ABCP program by monitoring the assets, arranging for debt placement, compiling monthly reports, or ensuring compliance with the program documents and with the program's credit and investment policy.
Asset-backed security (ABS) means a security that is primarily serviced by the cashflows of a discrete pool of receivables or other financial assets, either fixed or revolving, that by their terms convert into cash within a finite time period plus any rights or other assets designed to assure the servicing or timely distribution of proceeds to the security holders. Mortgage-backed securities are a type of asset-backed security.
Available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings means that the funds are available to cover operating losses realized, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), by the corporate credit union that exceed retained earnings net of equity acquired in a combination. Likewise, available to cover losses that exceed retained earnings and perpetual contributed capital (PCC) means that the funds are available to cover operating losses realized, in accordance with GAAP, by the corporate credit union that exceed retained earnings net of equity acquired in a combination and PCC. Any such losses must be distributed pro rata at the time the loss is realized first among the holders of PCC, and when all PCC is exhausted, then pro rata among all nonperpetual capital accounts (NCAs) and unconverted membership capital accounts, all subject to the optional prioritization described in appendixA of this Part. To the extent that any contributed capital funds are used to cover losses, the corporate credit union must not restore or replenish the affected capital accounts under any circumstances. In addition, contributed capital that is used to cover losses in a calendar year previous to the year of liquidation has no claim against the liquidation estate.
Code of Federal Regulations
Capital means the same as total capital, defined below.
Capital ratio means the corporate credit union's capital divided by its moving daily average net assets.
Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) means a debt security collateralized by mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, or corporate obligations in the form of loans or debt. Senior tranches of Re-REMIC's consisting of senior mortgage- and asset-backed securities are excluded from this definition.
Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) means a multi-class mortgage-backed security.
Commercial mortgage-backed security (CMBS) means a mortgage-backed security collateralized primarily by multi-family and commercial property loans.
Compensation means all salaries, fees, wages, bonuses, severance payments, current year contributions to employee benefit plans (for example, medical, dental, life insurance, and disability), current year contributions to deferred compensation plans and future severance payments, including payments in connection with a merger or similar combination (whether or not funded; whether or not vested; and whether or not the deferred compensation plan is a qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the IRS Code). Compensation also includes expense accounts and other allowances (for example, the value of the personal use of housing, automobiles or other assets owned by the corporate credit union; expense allowances or reimbursements that recipients must report as income on their separate income tax return; payments made under indemnification arrangements; and payments made for the benefit of friends or relatives). In calculating required compensation disclosures, reasonable estimates may be used if precise cost figures are not readily available.
Consolidated Credit Union Service Organization (Consolidated CUSO) means any corporation, partnership, business trust, joint venture, association or similar organization in which a corporate credit union directly or indirectly holds an ownership interest (as permitted by § 704.11 of this Part) and the assets of which are consolidated with those of the corporate credit union for purposes of reporting under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Generally, consolidated CUSOs are majority-owned CUSOs.
Contributed capital means either perpetual or nonperpetual capital.
Core capital means the sum of:
(1) Retained earnings;
(2) Perpetual contributed capital;
(3) The retained earnings of any acquired credit union, or of an integrated set of activities and assets, calculated at the point of acquisition, if the acquisition was a mutual combination; and
(4) Minority interests in the equity accounts of CUSOs that are fully consolidated. However, minority interests in consolidated ABCP programs sponsored by a corporate credit union are excluded from the credit unions' core capital or total capital base if the corporate credit union excludes the consolidated assets of such programs from risk-weighted assets pursuant to appendixC of this Part.
Core capital ratio means the corporate credit union's core capital divided by its moving daily average net assets.
Corporate credit union means an organization that:
(1) Is chartered under Federal or state law as a credit union;
(2) Receives shares from and provides loan services to credit unions;
(3) Is operated primarily for the purpose of serving other credit unions;
(4) Is designated by NCUA as a corporate credit union;
(5) Limits natural person members to the minimum required by state or federal law to charter and operate the credit union; and
(6) Does not condition the eligibility of any credit union to become a member on that credit union's membership in any other organization.
Credit-enhancing interest-only strip. (1)
Credit-enhancing interest-only strip means an on-balance sheet asset that, in form or in substance:
(i) Represents the contractual right to receive some or all of the interest due on transferred assets; and
(ii) Exposes the corporate credit union to credit risk directly or indirectly associated with the transferred assets that exceeds its pro rata share of the corporate credit union's claim on the assets whether through subordination provisions or other credit enhancement techniques.
Code of Federal Regulations
(2) NCUA reserves the right to identify other cash flows or related interests as a credit-enhancing interest-only strip. In determining whether a particular interest cash flow functions as a credit-enhancing interest-only strip, NCUA will consider the economic substance of the transaction.
Daily average net assets means the average of net assets calculated for each day during the period.
Daily average net risk-weighted assets means the average of net risk-weighted assets calculated for each day during the period.
Derivatives means a financial contract whose value is derived from the values of one or more underlying assets, reference rates, or indices of asset values or reference rates. Derivative contracts include interest rate derivative contracts, exchange rate derivative contracts, equity derivative contracts, commodity derivative contracts, credit derivative contracts, and any other instrument that poses similar counterparty credit risks.
Dollar roll means the purchase or sale of a mortgage-backed security to a counterparty with an agreement to resell or repurchase a substantially identical security at a future date and at a specified price.
Eligible ABCP liquidity facility means a legally binding commitment to provide liquidity support to asset-backed commercial paper by lending to, or purchasing assets from any structure, program or conduit in the event that funds are required to repay maturing asset-backed commercial paper and that meets the following criteria:
(1)(i) At the time of the draw, the liquidity facility must be subject to an asset quality test that precludes funding against assets that are 90 days or more past due or in default; and
(ii) If the assets that the liquidity facility is required to fund against are assets or exposures that have received a credit rating by an NRSRO at the time the inception of the facility, the facility can be used to fund only those assets or exposures that are rated investment grade by an NRSRO at the time of funding; or