(a) External audit.
The corporate credit union supervisory committee shall cause an annual opinion audit of the financial statements to be made. The audit must be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the audited financial statements must be prepared consistent with GAAP, except where law or regulation has provided for a departure from GAAP. The supervisory committee shall submit the audit report to the board of directors. A copy of the audit report, and copies of all communications that are provided to the corporate credit union by the external auditor, shall be submitted to the OCCU Director within 30 calendar days after receipt by the board of directors. If requested by the OCCU Director, the external auditor's workpapers shall be made available, at the auditor's office or elsewhere, for the OCCU Director's review. The corporate credit union shall submit a summary of the audit report to the membership at the next annual meeting.
(b) Internal audit.
A corporate credit union with average daily assets in excess of $400 million for the preceding calendar year, or as ordered by the OCCU Director, must employ or contract, on a full- or part-time basis, the services of an internal auditor. The internal auditor's responsibilities will, at a minimum, comply with the Standards and Professional Practices of Internal Auditing, as established by the Institute of Internal Auditors. The internal auditor will report directly to the chair of the corporate credit union's supervisory committee, who may delegate supervision of the internal auditor's daily activities to the chief executive officer of the corporate credit union. The internal auditor's reports, findings, and recommendations will be in writing and presented to the supervisory committee no less than quarterly, and will be provided upon request to the external auditor and the OCCU Director.
Code of Federal Regulations
[62 FR 12938, Mar. 19, 1997, as amended at 67 FR 65659, Oct. 25, 2002]