Each institution's board of directors shall issue, consistent with this part, policies and procedures governing standards of conduct for directors and employees.
Board policies and procedures issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall reflect due consideration of the potential adverse impact of any activities permitted under the policies and shall at a minimum:
Establish such requirements and prohibitions as are necessary to promote public confidence in the institution and the System, preserve the integrity and independence of the supervisory process, and prevent the improper use of official property, position, or information. In developing such requirements and prohibitions, the institution shall address such issues as the hiring of relatives, political activity, devotion of time to duty, the exchange of gifts and favors among directors and employees of the employing, supervising, and supervised institution, and the circumstances under which gifts may be accepted by directors and employees from outside sources, in light of the foregoing objectives;
Outline authorities and responsibilities of the Standards of Conduct Official;
Establish criteria for business relationships and transactions not specifically prohibited by this part between employees or directors and borrowers, loan applicants, directors, or employees of the employing, supervised, or supervising institutions, or persons transacting business with such institutions, including OFIs or other lenders having an access or participation relationship;
Establish criteria under which employees may accept outside employment or compensation;
Establish conditions under which employees may receive loans from System institutions;
Establish conditions under which employees may acquire an interest in real or personal property that was mortgaged to a System institution at any time within the preceding 12 months;
Establish conditions under which employees may purchase any real or personal property of a System institution acquired by such institution for its operations. Farm Credit institutions must use open competitive bidding whenever they sell surplus property above a stated value (as established by the board) to their employees.
Provide for a reasonable period of time for directors and employees to terminate transactions, relationships, or activities that are subject to prohibitions that arise at the time of adoption or amendment of the policies.
Require new directors and new employees involved at the time of election or hiring in transactions, relationships, and activities prohibited by these regulations or internal policies to terminate such transactions within the same time period established for existing directors or employees pursuant to paragraph (b)(8) of this section, beginning with the commencement of official duties, or such shorter time period as the institution may establish.
Establish procedures providing for a director's or employee's recusal from official action on any matter in which he or she is prohibited from participating under these regulations or the institution's policies.
Establish documentation requirements demonstrating compliance with standards-of-conduct decisions and board policy;
Establish reporting requirements, consistent with this part, to enable the institution to comply with § 620.5 of this chapter, monitor conflicts of interest, and monitor recusal compliance;
Establish appeal procedures available to any employee to whom any required approval has been denied;
Prohibit directors and employees from purchasing or retiring any stock in advance of the release of material non-public information concerning the institution to other stockholders; and
Establish when directors and employees may purchase and retire their preferred stock in the institution.
Code of Federal Regulations
[59 FR 24894, May 13, 1994, as amended at 64 FR 43048, Aug. 9, 1999; 70 FR 53907, Sept. 13, 2005]