563d.802—Description of business.
This section applies to the description-of-business portion of:
Registration statements filed on Form 10 (item 1) ( 17 CFR 249.210 ),
Proxy and information statements relating to mergers, consolidations, acquisitions, and similar matters (item 14 of Schedule 14A and item 1 of Schedule 14C) ( 17 CFR 240.14a-101 and 240.14c-101 ), and
Annual reports filed on Form 10-K (item 7) ( 17 CFR 249.310 ).
The description of business should conform to the description of business required by item 7 of Form PS under part 563b of this chapter.
No repetitive disclosure is required by virtue of similar requirements in item 7 of Form PS and items 301 and 303 of Regulation S-K ( 17 CFR 229.301, ). However, there should be included appropriate disclosure which arises by virtue of the registrant being a stock savings association. For example, the table regarding return on equity and assets, item 7(d)(5), should include a line item for “dividend payout ratio (dividends declared per share divided by net income per share).”