Affiliate means an affiliate as described in § 23.6.
(b) Capital and surplus means:
A bank's Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital calculated under the OCC's risk-based capital standards set forth in appendix A to 12 CFR part 3 as reported in the bank's Consolidated Report of Condition and Income filed under 12 U.S.C. 161; plus
The balance of a bank's allowance for loan and lease losses not included in the bank's Tier 2 capital, for purposes of the calculation of risk-based capital described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, as reported in the bank's Consolidated Report of Condition and Income filed under 12 U.S.C. 161.
CEBA Lease means a personal property lease authorized under 12 U.S.C. 24 (Tenth).
Conforming lease means:
A CEBA Lease that conforms with the requirements of subparts A and B of this part; or
A Section 24 (Seventh) Lease that conforms with the requirements of subparts A and C of this part.
Full-payout lease means a lease in which the national bank reasonably expects to realize the return of its full investment in the leased property, plus the estimated cost of financing the property over the term of the lease, from:
Estimated tax benefits; and
The estimated residual value of the property at the expiration of the lease term.
Net lease means a lease under which the national bank will not, directly or indirectly, provide or be obligated to provide for:
Servicing, repair, or maintenance of the leased property during the lease term;
Parts or accessories for the leased property;
Loan of replacement or substitute property while the leased property is being serviced;
Payment of insurance for the lessee, except where the lessee has failed in its contractual obligation to purchase or maintain required insurance; or
Renewal of any license or registration for the property unless renewal by the bank is necessary to protect its interest as owner or financier of the property.
Off-lease property means property that reverts to a national bank's possession or control upon the expiration of a lease or upon the default of the lessee.
Section 24(Seventh) Lease means a personal property lease authorized under 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh).