1807.200—Applicant eligibility.
(a) General requirements.
An Applicant will be deemed eligible for a CMF award if it is:
A Certified or certifiable CDFI. An entity may meet the requirements described in this paragraph (a)(1) if it is:
A Certified CDFI, as set forth in 12 CFR 1805.201, that has been in existence as a legally formed entity as set forth in the Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) for the applicable funding round; or
A certifiable CDFI that has been in existence as a legally formed entity as set forth in the NOFA for the applicable round and, although not yet certified as a CDFI, has submitted a complete CDFI certification application as of the date set forth in the applicable NOFA; or
A Nonprofit Organization having as one of its principal purposes the development or management of affordable housing. An entity may meet the requirements described in this paragraph (a)(2) if it:
Has been in existence as a legally formed entity as set forth in the applicable NOFA;
Demonstrates, through articles of incorporation, by-laws, or other board-approved documents, that the development or management of affordable housing are among its principal purposes; and
Can demonstrate that at least one-third of the Applicant's resources (either as a portion of total staffing or as a portion of total assets) are dedicated to the development or management of affordable housing.
(b) Eligibility verification.
An Applicant shall demonstrate that it meets the eligibility requirements described in § 1807.200(a)(2) of this section by providing information described in the application, NOFA, and/or supplemental information, as may be requested by the CDFI Fund. For an Applicant seeking eligibility under § 1807.200(a)(1), the CDFI Fund will verify that the Applicant is a Certified CDFI during the application eligibility review. For an Applicant seeking eligibility under § 1807.200(a)(2), the CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether the Applicant has satisfied said requirements.