960.5-2-6—Socioeconomic impacts.
(a) Qualifying condition.
The site shall be located such that (1) any significant adverse social and/or economic impacts induced in communities and surrounding regions by repository siting, construction, operation, closure, and decommissioning can be offset by reasonable mitigation or compensation, as determined by a process of analysis, planning, and consultation among the DOE, affected State and local government jurisdictions, and affected Indian tribes; and (2) the requirements specified in § 960.5-1(a)(2) can be met.
(b) Favorable conditions.
Ability of an affected area to absorb the project-related population changes without significant disruptions of community services and without significant impacts on housing supply and demand.
Availability of an adequate labor force in the affected area.
Projected net increases in employment and business sales, improved community services, and increased government revenues in the affected area.
No projected substantial disruption of primary sectors of the economy of the affected area.
(c) Potentially adverse conditions.
Potential for significant repository-related impacts on community services, housing supply and demand, and the finances of State and local government agencies in the affected area.
Lack of an adequate labor force in the affected area.
Need for repository-related purchase or acquisition of water rights, if such rights could have significant adverse impacts on the present or future development of the affected area.
Potential for major disruptions of primary sectors of the economy of the affected area.
(d) Disqualifying condition.
A site shall be disqualified if repository construction, operation, or closure would significantly degrade the quality, or significantly reduce the quantity, of water from major sources of offsite supplies presently suitable for human consumption or crop irrigation and such impacts cannot be compensated for, or mitigated by, reasonable measures.