(a) Materials incorporated by reference—
(1) General.
The following standards which are not otherwise set forth in part 851 are incorporated by reference and made a part of part 851. The standards listed in this section have been approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
(2) Availability of standards.
The standards incorporated by reference are available for inspection at:
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Health, Safety and Security, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585.
American National Standards Institute Headquarters, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036. Telephone number: 212-642-4980, or go to: http://www.ansi.org.
National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169. Telephone: 617 770-3000, or go to: http://www.nfpa.org.
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH), 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240. Telephone number 513-742-2020, or go to: http://www.acgih.org.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), P.O. Box 2300 Fairfield, NJ 07007. Telephone: 800-843-2763, or got to: http://www.asme.org.
(b) List of standards incorporated by reference.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z88.2, “American National Standard for Respiratory Protection,” (1992).
ANSI Z136.1, “Safe Use of Lasers,” (2000).
ANSI Z49.1, “Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes,” sections 4.3 and E4.3, (1999).
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70, “National Electrical Code,” (2005).
NFPA 70E, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace,” (2004).
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, “Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices,” (2005).
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boilers and Pressure Vessel Code, sections I through XII including applicable Code Cases, (2004).
ASME B31 (ASME Code for Pressure Piping) as follows:
B31.1—2001—Power Piping, and B31.1a—2002—Addenda to ASME B31.1—2001;
B31.2—1968—Fuel Gas Piping;
B31.3—2002—Process Piping;
B31.4—2002—Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids;
B31.5—2001—Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components, and B31.5a—2004, Addenda to ASME B31.5—2001;
B31.8—2003—Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems;
B31.8S—2001—Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines;
B31.9—1996—Building Services Piping;
B31.11—2002—Slurry Transportation Piping Systems; and
B31G—1991—Manual for Determining Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines.
DOE Manual 231.1-1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting Manual, September 9, 2004.
DOE Manual 440.1-1A, DOE Explosives Safety Manual, Contractor Requirements Document (Attachment 2), January 9, 2006.
Code of Federal Regulations
[71 FR 6931, Feb. 9, 2006, as amended at 71 FR 68733, Nov. 28, 2006]