During the design of new facilities or modification of existing facilities, the following objectives shall be adopted:
Optimization methods shall be used to assure that occupational exposure is maintained ALARA in developing and justifying facility design and physical controls.
The design objective for controlling personnel exposure from external sources of radiation in areas of continuous occupational occupancy (2000 hours per year) shall be to maintain exposure levels below an average of 0.5 millirem (5 µSv) per hour and as far below this average as is reasonably achievable. The design objectives for exposure rates for potential exposure to a radiological worker where occupancy differs from the above shall be ALARA and shall not exceed 20 percent of the applicable standards in § 835.202.
Regarding the control of airborne radioactive material, the design objective shall be, under normal conditions, to avoid releases to the workplace atmosphere and in any situation, to control the inhalation of such material by workers to levels that are ALARA; confinement and ventilation shall normally be used.
The design or modification of a facility and the selection of materials shall include features that facilitate operations, maintenance, decontamination, and decommissioning.
Code of Federal Regulations
[58 FR 65485, Dec. 14, 1993, as amended at 63 FR 59686, Nov. 4, 1998; 72 FR 31927, June 8, 2007]