The loan shall be based upon a loan agreement and the borrower's separate promissory note for the proceeds of the loan, including interest. The agreement and note shall be executed in writing between the borrower and the Secretary. The contracting officer shall execute the loan agreement on behalf of the Secretary. The loan agreement and the promissory note shall provide as follows, either at full length or by incorporation by reference to terms of the other of the two documents.
The borrower agrees to repay the loan of funds provided by the Secretary.
The interest rate on the loan is as established in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into consideration the current average market yields of outstanding marketable obligations of the United States having maturities comparable to the loan.
The loan shall be repaid over a maximum period as follows, in equal monthly installments of principal and interest, unless a different frequency of installments is specified by the Secretary:
$0—$5,000 |
3 years 3 months. |
$5,000—$25,000 |
5 years 3 months. |
Excess of $25,000 |
8 years 3 months. |
1 Maximum repayment period from date of initial disbursement. |
Repayment of principal and interest shall begin within 90 days following the initial loan disbursement or such longer period as may be acceptable to the Secretary. Installments shall be applied to accrued interest first and then to repayment of principal. Past due installments shall accrue interest at the quarterly current-value-of-funds-rate specified by the Treasury for overdue accounts. Prepayments may be made at any time without penalty.
The borrower shall have appropriate opportunities, as specified in the loan agreement, to cure any default, failure, or breach of any of the covenants, conditions and obligations undertaken by the borrower pursuant to the provisions of the loan agreement.
Loans of $10,000 or less will be disbursed in a single disbursement. Disbursement of loans larger than $10,000 shall be per schedule and documentation specified by the Secretary.
The loan may be used by the borrower to defray as much as, but no more than, 75 percent of the cost of the bid or proposal within the limitations specified in § 800.200, on allowable costs. Costs incurred by the borrower prior to the effective date of the loan agreement, and allowable under § 800.200, may be credited toward the borrower's share of costs if, in DOE's judgment, they were primarily related to the bid or proposal, but shall not be reimbursed from the loan.
The borrower shall make periodic reports regarding the bid or proposal.
The borrower shall maintain good standing under Federal, State and local laws and regulations applicable to the conduct of its business, including current payment of all taxes, fees and other charges and all requisite licenses and other governmental authorization necessary for the continued operation of the business throughout the term of the loan.
The borrower shall remain a minority business enterprise throughout the term of the loan.
The borrower shall return funds disbursed, but not required together with accrued interest thereon, to DOE, or to the servicing agent, if applicable, when its bid or proposal is ready for submission. The return of unrequired funds shall be by check separate from any payment of interest or principal, shall be identified by the borrower as a return of unrequired funds, and shall be accompanied by the borrower's certification that so much of the loan as has been disbursed to the borrower and not returned has been, or will be, expended by the borrower for costs allowable under § 800.200.
Such other provisions as the Secretary deems appropriate.
The loan agreement shall also provide for loan servicing and monitoring in accordance with § 800.300 and § 800.301, loan limitation in accordance with § 800.302, assignment and transfer in accordance with § 800.303, default in accordance with § 800.304 and appeals in accordance with § 800.307.
The Secretary may require, as preconditions to disbursement, that the borrower have specified amounts of working capital (including amounts derived from Federal financial assistance) and maintain specified financial ratios, where in the Secretary's judgment satisfaction of such preconditions is necessary to assure the borrower's ability to make and perform the contract, agreement or subcontract according to the bid or proposal, or is otherwise necessary to protect the interests of the United States.
The Secretary may require pledges, personal guarantees and other collateral security, and the maintenance of insurance on the borrower's assets and principals, in amounts and on terms appropriate in the Secretary's judgment, to protect the interests of the United States.