The general license is limited to that spent fuel which the general licensee is authorized to possess at the site under the specific license for the site.
This general license is limited to storage of spent fuel in casks approved under the provisions of this part.
The general license for the storage of spent fuel in each cask fabricated under a Certificate of Compliance terminates 20 years after the date that the particular cask is first used by the general licensee to store spent fuel, unless the cask's Certificate of Compliance is renewed, in which case the general license terminates 20 years after the cask's Certificate of Compliance renewal date. In the event that a cask vendor does not apply for a cask model reapproval under § 72.240, any cask user or user's representative may apply for a cask design reapproval. If a Certificate of Compliance expires, casks of that design must be removed from service after a storage period not to exceed 20 years.
The general licensee shall:
Notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission using instructions in § 72.4 at least 90 days prior to first storage of spent fuel under this general license. The notice may be in the form of a letter, but must contain the licensee's name, address, reactor license and docket numbers, and the name and means of contacting a person responsible for providing additional information concerning spent fuel under this general license. A copy of the submittal must be sent to the administrator of the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission regional office listed in appendix D to part 20 of this chapter.
Register use of each cask with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission no later than 30 days after using that cask to store spent fuel. This registration may be accomplished by submitting a letter using instructions in § 72.4 containing the following information: the licensee's name and address, the licensee's reactor license and docket numbers, the name and title of a person responsible for providing additional information concerning spent fuel storage under this general license, the cask certificate and model numbers, and the cask identification number. A copy of each submittal must be sent to the administrator of the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission regional office listed in appendix D to part 20 of this chapter.
Fee. Fees for inspections related to spent fuel storage under this general license are those shown in § 170.31 of this chapter.
Perform written evaluations, prior to use, that establish that:
conditions set forth in the Certificate of Compliance have been met;
Cask storage pads and areas have been designed to adequately support the static and dynamic loads of the stored casks, considering potential amplification of earthquakes through soil-structure interaction, and soil liquefaction potential or other soil instability due to vibratory ground motion; and
the requirements of § 72.104 have been met. A copy of this record shall be retained until spent fuel is no longer stored under the general license issued under § 72.210.
The licensee shall evaluate any changes to the written evaluations required by this paragraph using the requirements of § 72.48(c). A copy of this record shall be retained until spent fuel is no longer stored under the general license issued under § 72.210.
Review the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) referenced in the Certificate of Compliance and the related NRC Safety Evaluation Report, prior to use of the general license, to determine whether or not the reactor site parameters, including analyses of earthquake intensity and tornado missiles, are enveloped by the cask design bases considered in these reports. The results of this review must be documented in the evaluation made in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
Prior to use of this general license, determine whether activities related to storage of spent fuel under this general license involve a change in the facility Technical Specifications or require a license amendment for the facility pursuant to § 50.59(c)(2) of this chapter. Results of this determination must be documented in the evaluation made in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
Protect the spent fuel against the design basis threat of radiological sabotage in accordance with the same provisions and requirements as are set forth in the licensee's physical security plan pursuant to § 73.55 of this chapter with the following additional conditions and exceptions.
The physical security organization and program for the facility must be modified as necessary to assure that activities conducted under this general license do not decrease the effectiveness of the protection of vital equipment in accordance with § 73.55 of this chapter.
Storage of spent fuel must be within a protected area, in accordance with § 73.55(e) of this chapter, but need not be within a separate vital area. Existing protected areas may be expanded or new protected areas added for the purpose of storage of spent fuel in accordance with this general license.
For purposes of this general license, personnel searches required by § 73.55(h) of this chapter before admission to a new protected area may be performed by physical pat-down searches of persons in lieu of firearms and explosives detection equipment.
The observational capability required by § 73.55(i)(3) of this chapter as applied to a new protected area may be provided by a guard or watchman on patrol in lieu of video surveillance technology.
For the purpose of this general license, the licensee is exempt from requirements to interdict and neutralize threats in § 73.55 of this chapter.
Review the reactor emergency plan, quality assurance program, training program, and radiation protection program to determine if their effectiveness is decreased and, if so, prepare the necessary changes and seek and obtain the necessary approvals.
Maintain a copy of the Certificate of Compliance and documents referenced in the certificate for each cask model used for storage of spent fuel, until use of the cask model is discontinued. The licensee shall comply with the terms and conditions of the certificate.
Accurately maintain the record provided by the cask supplier for each cask that shows, in addition to the information provided by the cask vendor, the following:
The name and address of the cask vendor or lessor;
The listing of spent fuel stored in the cask; and
Any maintenance performed on the cask.
This record must include sufficient information to furnish documentary evidence that any testing and maintenance of the cask has been conducted under an NRC-approved quality assurance program.
In the event that a cask is sold, leased, loaned, or otherwise transferred to another registered user, this record must also be transferred to and must be accurately maintained by the new registered user. This record must be maintained by the current cask user during the period that the cask is used for storage of spent fuel and retained by the last user until decommissioning of the cask is complete.
Conduct activities related to storage of spent fuel under this general license only in accordance with written procedures.
Make records and casks available to the Commission for inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations
[55 FR 29191, July 18, 1990, as amended at 64 FR 53616, Oct. 4, 1999; 68 FR 54160, Sept. 16, 2003; 73 FR 63573, Oct. 24, 2008; 74 FR 13970, Mar. 27, 2009]