609.9—Closing on the Loan Guarantee Agreement.
Subsequent to entering into a Conditional Commitment with an Applicant, DOE, after consultation with the Applicant, will set a closing date for execution of a Loan Guarantee Agreement.
By the closing date, the Applicant and the Eligible Lender or other Holder must have satisfied all of the detailed terms and conditions contained in the Conditional Commitment and other related documents and all other contractual, statutory, and regulatory requirements. If the Applicant and the Eligible Lender or other Holder has not satisfied all such terms and conditions by the closing date, the Secretary may, in his/her sole discretion, set a new closing date or terminate the Conditional Commitment.
In order to enter into a Loan Guarantee Agreement at closing:
DOE must have received authority in an appropriations act for the loan guarantee; and
All other applicable statutory, regulatory, or other requirements must be fulfilled.
Prior to, or on, the closing date, DOE will ensure that:
Pursuant to section 1702(b) of the Act, DOE has received payment of the Credit Subsidy Cost of the loan guarantee, as defined in § 609.2 of this part from either (but not from a combination) of the following:
A Congressional appropriation of funds; or
A payment from the Borrower.
Pursuant to section 1702(h) of the Act, DOE has received from the Borrower the First and Second Fees and, if applicable, the Third fee, or portions thereof, for the Administrative Cost of Issuing the Loan Guarantee, as specified in the Loan Guarantee Agreement;
OMB has reviewed and approved DOE's calculation of the Credit Subsidy Cost of the loan guarantee;
The Department of the Treasury has been consulted as to the terms and conditions of the Loan Guarantee Agreement;
The Loan Guarantee Agreement and related documents contain all terms and conditions DOE deems reasonable and necessary to protect the interest of the United States; and
All conditions precedent specified in the Conditional Commitment are either satisfied or waived by a Contracting Officer and all other applicable contractual, statutory, and regulatory requirements are satisfied.
Not later than the period approved in writing by the Contracting Officer, which may not be less than 30 days prior to the closing date, the Applicant must provide in writing updated project financing information if the terms and conditions of the financing arrangements changed between execution of the Conditional Commitment and that date. The Conditional Commitment must be updated to reflect the revised terms and conditions.
Where the total Project Costs for an Eligible Project are projected to exceed $25 million, the Applicant must provide a credit rating from a nationally recognized rating agency reflecting the revised Conditional Commitment for the project without a Federal guarantee. Where total Project Costs are projected to be $25 million or less than $25 million, the Secretary may, on a case-by-case basis, require a credit rating. If a rating is required, an updated rating must be provided to the Secretary not later than 30 days prior to closing.
Changes in the terms and conditions of the financing arrangements will affect the Credit Subsidy Cost for the Loan Guarantee Agreement. DOE may postpone the expected closing date pursuant to any changes submitted under paragraph (e) and (f) of this section. In addition, DOE may choose to terminate the Conditional Commitment.