600.381—Special provisions for Small Business Innovation Research Grants.
(a) General.
This section contains provisions applicable to the Small Business Innovation Reserach (SBIR) Program.
(b) Provisions Applicable to Phase I SBIR Awards:
Phase I SBIR awards may be made on a fixed obligation basis, subject to the following requirements.
While proposed costs must be analyzed in detail to ensure consistency with applicable cost principles, incurred costs are not subject to review under the standards of cost allowability.
Although detailed budgets are submitted by a recipient and reviewed by DOE for purposes of establishing the amount to be awarded, budget categories are not stipulated in making an award;
Prior approval from the DOE for rebudgeting among categories by the recipient is not required. Prior approval from DOE is required for any variation from the requirement that no more than one-third of Phase I work can be done by subcontractors or consortium partners;
Pre-award expenditure approval is not required;
Payments are to be made in the same manner as other financial assistance (see § 600.312 ), except that, when determined appropriate by the cognizant program official and contracting officer, a lump sum payment may be made. If a lump sum payment is made, the award must contain a condition that requires the recipient to return to DOE amounts remaining unexpended at the end of the project if those amounts exceed $500;
Recipients will certify in writing to the Contracting Officer at the end of the project that the activity was completed or the level of effort was expended. Should the activity or effort not be carried out, the recipeint would be expected to make appropriate reimbursements;
Requirements for periodic reports may be established for each award so long as they are consistent with § 600.341 ;
Changes in principal investigator or project leader, scope of effort, or institution, require the prior approval of DOE.
(c) Provision Applicable to Phase II SBIR Awards.
Phase II SBIR awards may be made for a single budget period of 24 months.
(d) Provisions Applicable to Phase I and Phase II SBIR Awards.
The prior approval of the cognizant DOE Contracting Officer is required before the final budget period of the project period may be extended without additional funds.
A fee or profit may be paid to SBIR recipients.